About the project
This project will address how regional governments or agencies responsible for smart specialisation and innovations strategies are working with these policy instruments to promoting long-term societal sustainable development like twin transition.
Working with smart specialization is a long-term endeavour. Achieving effects like new innovations or transformation to a sustainable economy requires perseverance but often focus tends towards short term easy measurable goals and calls for funds and the long-term strategic capacity might get reduced. Many regions describe challenges in building enduring, long-term sustainable innovation systems that address the challenges of today while also fostering a transition to a sustainable economy in the long run.
This project aims to improve frameworks for long-term cooperation networks with actors in S3. The fundamental premise is to have a structure with high and genuine commitment from relevant actors within the specialization areas.
Project presentation
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We are looking for partners responsible for the smart specialisation in on regional level or with expertise in smart specialisation. We are looking for parners that wants to find ways for promoting long term commitment in building cooperation networks based on smart specialisation.