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SMOOTH PORTS Kick-Off Meeting

26 - 27 Sep 2019
Clock 12 : 00 - 17 : 30 CEST
Location In person | Hamburg, Germany
Project Partners from Bulgaria, France, Italy and Germany will come together on the 26th and 27th of September in Hamburg to start their cooperation within the SMOOTH PORTS project.
The first day will be focusing on the project partnership. Discussing topics such as the project- and financial management, project communication and visibility rules and a first exchange of experiences.
The second day will also involve stakeholders and provide opportunity for presentations and site visit(s) to showcase possible topics to discuss during the actual site visit and the project lifetime.  The second day will be finalised by a steering group meeting to discuss the upcoming months and the first reporting period.

SMOOTH PORTS wants to utilise the differences of the project partners’ ports through an exchange of effective tools and best practices. A key focus lies on finding optimal procedures for the clearance of the goods that are so vital for society and commerce – making their processing speedy and avoiding unnecessary burdens on environment and people. A further focus will be on the different approaches regarding Information and Communications Technology solutions for various traffic related port activities as well as on the question what alternative fuels can power port activities in the future.