Flag this item Image Social SportsCom Strengthening the effectiveness of COmmunity sports for heath resilience in the framework of REgional policies Ongoing Healthcare
Flag this item Image Social HARMONY Health and Resilience: Mental Empowerment for New Youth Ongoing Healthcare
Flag this item Image Social LeadEx Learning about the Educational Approach to Develop Excellence Ongoing Education and lifelong learning
Flag this item Image Social PROSECO Procurement for (a) social economy - Implementation of social procurement for a sustainable transition Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social TechSocialcare Promoting Technical Standards for Assistive Technology in European Social care services Ongoing Healthcare
Flag this item Image Social EUM POWER EU Migrants Promoting Openness With Equal Rights Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social ACTAge Active Ageing Centres: Enhancing Social, Physical, and Mental Health for Elderly Well-Being Ongoing Healthcare
Flag this item Image Social FABCOM Improving regional community-based and family-based care Ongoing Healthcare
Flag this item Image Social HUMAN Healthcare 5.0 supporting the transformative shift of regions Ongoing Healthcare
Flag this item Image Social Just Femme Women's Employment and Entrepreneurship in Just Transition Territories Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social CAPABLE Competent Assistance Pro Aging Better Living Easier Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social SafeSkills Increasing Regional Availability of Skilled Labour in Safety and Security Sectors Ongoing Education and lifelong learning
Flag this item Image Social Motors of growth Improving policies for attracting and retaining skilled workforce in regions in industrial growth Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social SIJMA SIJMA. Social innovation for job and development opportunities in mining areas in transition around Europe Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social LONGEVITY InterregionaL cOoperatioN towards person-centred care for aGEing people in conditions of VulnerabilITY Ongoing Healthcare
Flag this item Image Social QUEEN Quality apprenticeships for evolving labour needs Ongoing Education and lifelong learning
Flag this item Image Social RESEES RESEES promotes social economy across Europe by fostering collaboration networks and designing educational content in social economy. Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social YESVolunteer YESVolunteer seeks to enhance youth development by expanding access to enriched volunteering opportunities across seven European regions. Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social RuralYouthFuture RuralYouthFuture aims at improving employment opportunities for young people in rural areas and supporting sustainable rural development. Ongoing Labour market and employment
Flag this item Image Social atWork4NEETs atWork4NEETs aims at enhancing active labour market policies to secure quality offers of employment, education and training as a safety net for youth’s future. Ongoing Labour market and employment