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This page contains information on the project control system in Ukraine. You may also speak directly with the Interreg Europe representatives in Ukraine.



Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Cross-border Cooperation and EU Programmes
International Technical Assistance Coordination Department
12/2 Hrushevsky Str.
01008, Kyiv




Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

EU Programmes Implementation and Cross-border Cooperation Unit
International Technical Assistance Coordination Department
12/2 Hrushevsky Str.
01008, Kyiv


Control system

This section provides information about the control system and national guidance set up in Ukraine for the 2021-2027 programming period.

The costs associated with this control are indicated so that they can be planned for in your project's budget.

The control system

Ukraine uses a centralised control system.

Public procurement rules

Download the public procurement rules for partners from EU candidate countries.

Annex II of financing agreement

Public Procurement rules for partners from EU candidate countries

The control body

Address Contact

The State Audit Service of Ukraine
4 Sahaydachnoho Street
Kyiv, Ukraine, 04070


Ms Yuliia Solianik
(+38) 044 425 80 20

The costs

The State Audit Service of Ukraine will not charge costs for control for Ukrainian partners involved in an Interreg Europe project.

On-the-spot checks

On the spot verifications will be conducted at least once during the project implementation period. The controller will check the originals of the documents at the premises of the project beneficiary. The order for the inspection will be published on the website of the State Audit Service.


Get inspired

Have a look at the content on our website linked to Ukraine. Scroll through our project ideas and good practices, or contact our community members and organisations from the country.

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