Framing the Urban Logistics Strategy

On 29 and 30 September 2020, the Policy Learning Platform organised an online peer review for the City of Warsaw and the Warsaw Public Road Authority (Poland) to receive hands-on feedback and advice on how to frame a Strategy for Urban Logistics.
Access the recommendations in the follow-up report.
In pursuit of overarching goals such as improving air quality and moving towards carbon neutrality in transport-related operations and motivated by the desire of implementing measures to optimize last-mile logistics, the City of Warsaw and the Warsaw Public Road Authority had requested a peer review to explore two issues of particular concern to their territory:
- Identifying all the necessary elements for building a Warsaw logistic policy with the objective of adopting a fully-fledged Urban Logistics Strategy for the Polish Capital City.
- Zooming into the construction logistics segment as a pilot project where to start from for implementing the future Warsaw Urban Logistics Strategy.
Peers from across Europe
Five talented peers, alongside our low-carbon experts, teamed-up with the Host of the on-line peer-review to share their valuable insight and suggestions on urban logistics, the challenges that are to be expected when drafting a logistics strategy as well as the solutions that can be successfully deployed based on experiences across Europe. The peers were:
- José Augusto Baptista Viera, Municipality of Funchal, Madeira (Portugal)
- Georgia Ayfantopoulou, CERTH / HIT, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- Ruben Vrijhoef, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)
- Ruth Lamas Borraz, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)
- Kristina Gaučė, JSC "Gaučė ir Ko", Vilnius (Lithuania)
The peer review was also used by the Hosts as an occasion to unite multiple and diverse local stakeholders around sustainable and smart mobility as a crucial topic for supporting the internal market while ensuring the harmonious development of our cities in the years to come based on forward-looking city planning.
The peers formulated their recommendations on methodology, capacity building, approaches to data collection and planning, target setting as well as monitoring and evaluation procedures.
Please find the policy challenges of the host and the suggestions of the peers in the follow-up report.
After a fruitful 2-day meeting Agnieszka Rogala, Project Manager at the Sustainable Mobility Department of the Warsaw Public Road Authority, commented:
Despite the on-line format, the peer review was very intense and packed with knowledge. Thanks to the engagement of the peers, Warsaw had a great opportunity to take a great insight into urban logistics issues.
The Host authorities are currently following up on the recommendations and are looking at ways to incorporate them in the process that will lead to logistic policy for the City of Warsaw.