Digital innovation hubs and digital demonstrators/testbeds are part of the European competitiveness and innovation policies for at least a decade, also including further concepts such as learning factories or technology platforms.
Those concepts have in common that they aim for accelerating the uptake of new technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, virtual and augmented reality, etc.) in the processes, products, and services of European SMEs, helping them to be more innovative and more competitive on the global level.
With the new programming period 2021-2027, the overall concept of Digital Innovation Hubs is gaining even more momentum on the European level with a prominent place in the new industrial strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe. This is mirrored in national and regional policies, and quite obviously also in the activities of Interreg Europe projects.
This policy brief aims to provide an overview of the relevant good practices and policies brought forward by the projects and highlight some of their specificities, which might make them relevant for learning and uptake purposes in other regions.
Explore the policy brief and get inspired!
Digital innovation hubs and demonstrators policy brief
FIWARE Digital Innovation HUB for Business Acceleration - FiiHUB
FIIHUB as the first technological reference center for the development of the business and entrepreneurship ecosystem of Macaronesia (Portugal and Spain)
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) support SMEs in surviving the digital change and realizing the innovation and growth potential that digitalization holds for them
National one stop shop for digital transformation and digital competence development with 4 pillars: companies, public administration, municipalities, education
The Industrial internet laboratory at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) is an innovative learning environment for students and local companies.
Innovation Campus Lemgo creates an ecosystem for innovations along the digital transformation based on cooperation business, science, society and administration
VDC is one of the regional players for providing support for businesses together with the Ventspils University,Technical School, High Technology Park, etc.
The innovation arena is a data platform (a physical location and a data lake) where members, collabs, researchers, companies and individuals can participate.