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Replay available: Next generation policymakers

By Platform
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On 5 December the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar for the next generation policymakers and looked at why skills, knowledge and a powerful network are vital.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • 10 talented speakers 
  • key-notes from Lisa Witter, co-founder Apolitical  and Piret Tõnurist, Innovation Lead at OECD-OPSI 
  • testimonials from public servants and policymakers that have tested the Policy Learning Platform services

The replay is available below, as well as further resources about the continuous learning and cooperation services provided by Interreg Europe via its Platform.

The Platform team is available for any questions you might have related to the proposed services, or otherwise. Don't hesitate to contact Raluca Toma or Thorsten Kohlisch


Event agenda


00:00:47 Introduction by Raluca Toma, Communication Manager at Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform 

00:09:06 Introduction to the Interreg Europe programme by Erwin Siweris 

Keynote speeches

The value of cooperation and peer learning for building professional capacity and how this helps to improve policies and governance

00:14:32 By Lisa Witter, co-founder of Apolitical 

00:23:12 By Piret Tõnurist, Innovation Lead at OECD Observatory of Public Service Innovation

00:31:31 By Thorsten Kohlish, Project Manager at Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform

00:41:18 Q&A: What skills are vital for policymakers to face challenges that they are dealing with on a daily basis? 

00:50:50 Q&A: How to navigate through policies? There are so many relations RIS3, Bauhaus, new Green Deal etc.

Targeted policy advice: peer review

Panel discussion on the experiences of beneficiaries of the peer review service

00:57:28 Panel discussion by:

01:14:43 Q&A: Does the peer review happen online or are they physical meetings? Is there any funding offered by Interreg Europe? 

01:16:01 Q&A: How were the stakeholders motivated to get involved?

Finding policy solutions

How policy resources and events inspire policymakers

01:20:31 Discussion by Lorenzo Sabatini, head of the Research and Innovation projects unit for ASEV development agency in Tuscany, Italy.

01:29:59 Discussion by Lambrini Tsoli, Project Manager at the department of the EU-funded projects of the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Central Macedonia, Greece. 


Next generation policymakers_presentation

Event master presentation

AdultLearning_Lisa Witter_Next generation policymakers

Policy Learning Platform brochure

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Lifelong learning