Arctic Seas RDI Programme
Published on 07 December 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The programme was funded and managed by TEKES – Finnish National Innovation Agency (now Business Finland) The main objective was to increase the maritime industry related RDI projects. Arctic Seas programme focused mainly on: 1) cleantech, and the reduction of emissions (e.g. and low emission fuels); 2. digitalization (information and data analytics, (e.g. monitoring, testing, risk management); and 3) increasing labour productivity and optimisation (e.g. automatisation and efficient working equipment).
Expert opinion
This is a good example of how effective cooperation between the academia and private sector has been triggered by project funding from the national innovation agency. The amount of private co-funding is also impressive. This practice is especially noteworthy as it managed to plant the seeds for further cooperation (other RDI programmes) between the maritime industry and universities. It was also effective in bringing together regions with different characteristics – South of Finland with its strong maritime sector was brought together with other regions that had technical universities capable of running the needed RDI projects.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The programme started in 2014 and to ended in 2017 with a budget of EUR 100 million funded by Tekes (EUR 45 million) and by private companies (EUR 55 million). This programme includes projects creating solutions increasing energy efficiency e.g. piloting large scale rotor sails, simulation
Evidence of success
The program funded some 140 projects. The Arctic Seas Programme had strong impact to maritime innovations and RDI activities, especially cleantech, digitalisation and global business models. The university – industry collaboration is becoming strong partly because of the Arctic Sea programme and the support from the ministries
Potential for learning or transfer
The impact on South west Finland was very big because large amount of maritime sector companies are in SWF region. But main technical universities are not in this region so all new collaboration activities between universities and companies were very positive. Also some Some new regional RDI initiatives was set up in the aftermath
of the Programme:
- Turku Future Technologies (TFT): The platform of 8 Finnish universities focusing on boosting the technology industry RD activities (started in 2016)
- Technology Campus: Technical training initiative of 4 regional universities in Turku (started in 2018)
- Finnish Institute of Technology (FITec): Focusing on the masters level technical training and competence building (in 2017)
of the Programme:
- Turku Future Technologies (TFT): The platform of 8 Finnish universities focusing on boosting the technology industry RD activities (started in 2016)
- Technology Campus: Technical training initiative of 4 regional universities in Turku (started in 2018)
- Finnish Institute of Technology (FITec): Focusing on the masters level technical training and competence building (in 2017)
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Business Finland