Back to tradition - Programs for children
About this good practice
The Héthatár Goats Farm produces high-quality goat cheeses and similar dairy products. There are many animals on the farm, and also some special animals on the farm today.
The daughters of the owners have moved home due to the covid-19 virus epidemic. With few opportunities for recreation due to the COVID-19 emergency, the owners' daughters recognized the need and decided to create a petting zoo that would be open daily from spring to fall.
All-day programmes were organised around different themes, always adapted to the season, major holidays (e.g. Easter) and the promotion of village life. The programmes were mainly organised for children, but families could also participate on request. Due to the great success, week-long village day camps (i.e. not residential) were organised in the summer for children aged 7-14, where children could learn about village life, old crafts and tools.
Barbara and Tímea do most of the programme/camp activities themselves. The cold meals are provided by local producers (they make the goat cheese themselves) and the hot meals are provided by a local entrepreneur using local ingredients.
The events quickly became popular and are still ongoing. The new activities have increased overall farm income and created additional rural jobs. A short local supply chain has also been established to help provide food for visitors.
Resources needed
The operation of the farm is financed exclusively with own sources. It is not yet possible to use the funding opportunities, because it would have to be in the form of an association. The establishment of an association is among the medium-term goals.
Evidence of success
The project will give children the chance to experience rural life and get away from the world of the internet. They will get close to nature and have a better relationship with animals. They learn about old crafts and tools, helping them to get back to their roots. The project raises awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and preserving natural values.
Potential for learning or transfer
A mai gyerekeknek olyan programokra van szükségük, ahol megismerhetik a vidéki életet, lelassulhatnak, kiléphetnek az internet világából. Az állatok gondozása növeli a felelősségtudatukat, a rájuk irányuló figyelem pedig erősíti az önbizalmukat.
A jó gyakorlat pozitív aspektusait figyelembe véve az alábbi következtetéseket vontuk le: Fontos az eredeti ötlet és az erős elkötelezettség. Nyitottság az új ötletekre és módszerekre. Soha ne feledkezzünk meg az innovációról, ne féljünk a kreativitástól és a változástól. A természetközeli élmények még népszerűbbek a Covid-19 vírushelyzet miatt. A helyi termelők és a helyi vállalkozások közötti helyi partnerségek elengedhetetlenek.
Further information
Good practice owner
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