
Book Rescuers in Hungary
Published on 04 February 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The idea was born in 2013 when two private persons wanted to make the joy of reading available to everyone and save old and unused books. They started to collect books from libraries, households, schools, private collections and they tried to find a proper way to sell them. Book selling began on special vehicles, redesigned Transylvanian carts. Books coming from donations or mass purchases at low price (7 books = 1 EUR); On the carts books are sold at unit price (1 book = 1 EUR). In this way, books (whether fiction, language book, storybook, compulsory reading, or entertaining literature) that cost hundreds of euros in bookstores become available to everyone and old books don't end up in the trash either.
Local municipalities support and encourage this initiative by trying to involve public institutions into the various operations and by providing public places to install the carts.
Local municipalities support and encourage this initiative by trying to involve public institutions into the various operations and by providing public places to install the carts.
Resources needed
Human, technical and monetary resources are necessary for all operations. They have 75 employees, they need places for book selection and book storage, lockable carts for book sales, place for remodeling and repairing old carts; and they need money for salaries, operation and improving activities.
Evidence of success
The evidences of success are as follows: 1) seven success operation years; 2) 12 permanent carts in Hungarian cities; 3) several temporary carts fitting festivals and holiday activities; 4) 75 emloyees; 5) 10 000 selected books per day; 6) 50 000 books reused every day.
Potential for learning or transfer
The key success factors of good practice are the following: 1) well placed, designer carts, attractive, high quality service; 2) carefully selected, quality books at low price; 3) increasingly open approach to book reuse; 4) collaborations of involved actors (NGOs, citizens, schools, libraries, Municipalities); 5) Municipalities' support;
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Book Rescuers Nonprofit Association

Managing Director