About this good practice
Circular Cities Forum is a voluntary initiative comprising 15 organizations from state, local authorities, production, economic, environmental, academic, and scientific sectors, coordinated by the Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association (HSWMA). The Forum advocates systemic change by transitioning from a linear to a circular economy, where waste and resource use are minimized, and resources are continuously reused.
From 2023 to 2025, Forum members collaborate to contribute in policy and implementation proposals in order to achieve the broader objectives set out below:
1. Accelerate cities' transition to circular waste management models.
2. Share information and promote awareness and innovation concerning the production of low environmental footprint products, change consumers’ behaviour by becoming responsible and motivated product users. Also developing technologies-solutions for circular resource management.
3. Network with other institutions, locally and internationally, for the development and exchange of good practices for a circular economy.
The Forum has organized four convention meetings to present policy recommendations and motives and counter motives to stakeholders, aiming for effective implementation and adaptation. It addresses local authorities and Regional Associations of Solid Waste Management Agencies (e.g., FODSA).
Resources needed
The Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association (HSWMA) provides the resources needed for the operating costs (such as the website).
Evidence of success
In the framework of Forum’s Initiative, 14 actions are rooted for the transition of waste management and businesses (industries, trade) to circular economy. According to the outcomes of the 4th convention meeting, (April 2024), there is a significant progress on the actions regarding waste management of primary sector. Organization of waste collection is at its final stage, so afterwards, wastes can be processed in the context of circular economy.
Potential for learning or transfer
The Good Practice of Circular Cities Forum can be applicable to other regions as well, since one of the Initiative’s objectives is networking and collaboration with relative institutions from Greece and from abroad. This means that know-how can be transferred easier and the adaptation of the recommended policies can be implemented efficient. Moreover, the forementioned Good Practice can be used as a leverage to accelerate the procedures which are related to waste management towards circular economy. Consequently, the EU objectives regarding circular economy, circular waste management, recycling and reusing can be successfully accomplished.
Therefore, Circular Cities Forum is interesting for other EU regions to learn from, and has the potentials to be transferred effectively.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.