About this good practice
Aware of the relevant issues associated to climate changes, Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region has developed a Plan to Adapt to Climate Changes (PIAAC), which consists of a document that establishes the strategies and sectorial measures which should be the basis to promote the territorial adaptations to climate changes. Therefore, the ClimAgir project emerges as one of the specific measures envisaged by PIAAC. This project covers the 19 Municipalities that are aggregated to the Coimbra Region, with activities that communicate and raise public awareness to climate changes. These activities promote alongside the population the need to change behaviour, in order to prevent the impact that climate changes can have, by conveying ecological and environmental values, through supporting actions to mitigate and adapt to these changes. The main activities focus on students and take place in classrooms of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycles and High School and Professional School. In addition to communication on the possible impacts of climate change in our region, and what the good behaviours we must all adopt, we offer various promotional materials such as leaflets, a book for the teacher to leave a mark and for a continuation of that theme after our presence. Besides this main target, we have also activities for the general public which take place in the main square of the municipality using an exposition, several videos and educational games for the same goal.
Expert opinion
This practice aims to increase public awareness of climate change, and thus trigger behaviour change as part of a broader regional climate adaptation plan. Activities aimed at students can help to set lifelong values and principles, and it has been well demonstrated that children can also influence parental behaviour. The activities aimed at the broader public are a welcome addition. The approach could be replicated in other regions, making use of structural and investment funds.
Resources needed
ClimAgir project is financed by the Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources, Portugal 2020 and the Cohesion Fund. We have spent an amount of 202 280€. One people allocated to prepare and carry out the activities. The project acquired a 100% electrical vehicle.
Evidence of success
So far, we have reached 324 school classes, 6898 students from 19 municipalities, 939 likes on Facebook and 716 followers on Instagram. We have sent a form for each teacher to evaluate our activity, reaching 80% of maximum satisfaction. For the general public activities, we have been in 9 counties, aiming to reach 50000 inhabitants. But the real evaluation will be achieved through the behaviours change and the way of acting and thinking of future generations.
Potential for learning or transfer
The project arose in response to the Plan of Adaptation to Climate Changes developed by Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region, which was drawn up for an Inter-municipal territory, that covers 19 Portuguese Municipalities, aiming the need to raise awareness and a broader knowledge on climate changes on a population of 460.000 inhabitants. It is aimed to reach up to 12.000 students in 2-year period despites the heterogeneity, vulnerabilities and risks that are being triggered. It also intends to develop regional strategies in a diversified region, experiencing various dynamics and evaluating the possible impacts on key areas such as Agriculture, Forestry, Biodiversity, Water Resources, Estuaries and Costal Regions, Infrastructures and Energy, Tourism and Human Health. The population will increase its knowledge, awareness of a change behaviour and the need to act locally, while understanding that this is not an isolated issue, but a global one.
Further information
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