Co-Creation for designing innovative solutions in home and social care (HoCare2.0)
About this good practice
HoCare2.0 initiative brought together 11 partners (Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Italy and Slovenia) varying from public service providers, through national healthcare services to business support organizations. Each Project Partner has specific knowledge and expertise that ensures high-quality outputs. The ultimate goal of the whole partnership is to deliver a systematic change in territorial innovation ecosystems. The aim of HoCare2.0 is to provide customer-centered home care by using the principles of co-creation. This is a product/service design process in which feedback from consumers plays a central role from beginning to end. It is a way in which businesses allow consumers to submit ideas, designs or content. Moreover HoCare2.0 connects representatives of Quadruple Helix (QH) which means Industry– Entrepreneurs and SMEs, Public administration, Citizens and Academia. They work together on the product/service for home care. Within the project a network of co-creation labs is created. In total 18 institutions demonstrate the usability and impact of developed tools at the delivery of innovative health of social home care solutions by co-creation involving elderly care recipients and their family members. There are 3 pilots in Germany: the Digital Therapy Companion, Intelligent audio analysis, Video consultation with assistance.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Co-creation know-how
Partners to implement the pilots: SME, public service provider
Representatives of the Quadruple Helix to co-create the solutions (including time and human resources)
Availability of financial resources on the part of the partners to develop the solutions
Evidence of success
1) Digital Therapy Companion: A digital medical product for optimal therapy support of cancer patients with direct connection to the treating practice.
2) Video consultation with assistance: solution is available for use in other healthcare facilities and can therefore be considered a success.
Overall, almost all innovative solutions have been successfully launched at the various Piot sites in Europe.
Potential for learning or transfer
Large Pan-European projects as HoCare2.0 help solve the overarching challenges like healthy ageing in a way that is consistent with the European values of collaboration and cooperation.
Further information
Good practice owner
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