Community Transformation Offices (OTC's)

About this good practice
The lack of support system for stakeholders interested in the creation and development of energy communities, mainly citizens, SMEs and local entities, thereby contributing to fair and inclusive decarbonisation by promoting investments in green infrastructure and the participation of stakeholders not traditionally involved in the energy sector.
The main advantages for citizens are savings on energy bills, reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction of dependence on large electricity companies, generation of employment at local level and the form of participation that is democratic, where all members are an active part of the decisions.
In the Region of Murcia there are three OTCs that meet periodically to share experiences, solve obstacles and actively collaborate in dissemination and information activities. The initiative comes from a call for proposals launched by the IDAE (National Institute for the Energy Diversification and Savings) with Next Generation EU funds.
The three organizations provide tranining courses, advice and guidance towards the creation of energy communities, elaboration of guides for implementation of projects and advice on good practices to reduce electricity bills.
The main stakeholders are https://otccoitirm.es/, https://energia.murcia.es/otc-murcia and https://fundaciondesarrollosostenible.org/otc/servicios/apoyo/
The main beneficiaries are all the citizens in Murcia Region, with the energy and economic actors, including the society.
Resources needed
The total budget of the initiative is 691.084,42€. 80% from Next Generation EU the remaining 20% has been provided by each OTC organization. The personnel profiles are Technical Director per OTC, technical staff, staff for legal and administrative advice.
Evidence of success
Although it is ongoing, there are preliminary results: OTCs conducted 4 successful trainings. Over 600 people, 17 SMEs, associations, cooperatives, and 36 town councils attended. More than 8 energy communities were initiated, and 2 guides published with advice on reducing electricity bills.
Success factors in the initiative include collaboration among OTCs: effective training programs, active engagement from local communities and stakeholders.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice has a great deal of learning or transfer potential since it provides insightful information about user-centered methods and successful community engagement to fight the climate crisis, the adoption of renewable energies and to prevent energy poverty.
It provides specialized support (legal, financial, technical) to the people who cannot afford otherwise, opening a multi-level cooperation.
This approach can be used as a template for best practices, promoting innovation and ongoing development in various settings. The added value of this practice is reflected in increased user engagement and satisfaction with energy communities, resulting in higher attendance at workshops and events. This uptick in participation has generated additional revenue through program fees and community partnerships.
Further information
Good practice owner
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