
Creation of a modern research center stimulating research and development in the field of energy.
Published on 12 October 2021

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About this good practice
The new Energy Centre has been opened at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. It is a modern building with an area of 15 thousand square metres, which houses 40 specialised laboratory units, lecture and computer rooms, conference rooms, the "Tower" lobby and an underground car park. The building is divided into two zones: research-commercial and research-didactic. The research and commercial part mainly houses such laboratories as:
- Laboratory of Automation, Security and Energy Management in Buildings
- Laboratory of Hydrogen Diagnostics and Fuel Cell Technologies
- Laboratory of Alternative Fuels and Waste
- Laboratory of Environmental Protection and Radiochemistry
- Laboratory of Renewable Energy
- Laboratory of Elevated Wind Turbines
The building is equipped with RES: wind turbines were mounted on the building and connected to measuring equipment. They are also connected to the building's energy system and supply it with the energy produced. Moreover, there are photovoltaic panels on the building’s roof. The whole equipment is used both for research and educational purposes.
The main research interest of the center is energy, with the specific focus on following disciplines: conventional energy generation, renewable energy generation, industrial power engineering, power grids (incl. smart grids, smart metering, energy storage, IT services), new energy-related products and services.
- Laboratory of Automation, Security and Energy Management in Buildings
- Laboratory of Hydrogen Diagnostics and Fuel Cell Technologies
- Laboratory of Alternative Fuels and Waste
- Laboratory of Environmental Protection and Radiochemistry
- Laboratory of Renewable Energy
- Laboratory of Elevated Wind Turbines
The building is equipped with RES: wind turbines were mounted on the building and connected to measuring equipment. They are also connected to the building's energy system and supply it with the energy produced. Moreover, there are photovoltaic panels on the building’s roof. The whole equipment is used both for research and educational purposes.
The main research interest of the center is energy, with the specific focus on following disciplines: conventional energy generation, renewable energy generation, industrial power engineering, power grids (incl. smart grids, smart metering, energy storage, IT services), new energy-related products and services.
Resources needed
The total value of the project exceeded PLN 120 million (approx. EUR 26,2 million). 66,4% was covered from the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme, while the remaining amount was financed from the university's own resources.
Evidence of success
The building has won several awards for its innovation and architecture. It is a thriving research centre of interest to entrepreneurs, scientists and students. The research, as well as the educational activity conducted by the Energy Center answer the needs of the energy sector, which is under deep transition in whole Europe. Also, multiple, modern and well equipped laboratories well prepare the students for the work in the energy sector with all the challenges faced by it.
Potential for learning or transfer
Europe’s energy transition and its strive for climate neutrality until 2050 has serious impact on the energy sector and on the whole European economy. Successful transition requires well-prepared professionals, as well as thematic research and development of new/improvement of existing technologies and services. Therefore there is a need for such centers at technical universities. It combines professional, practice-based educational programme with R&D work.
Investing in a modern building, with renewable energy sources and multiple, well-equipped laboratories requires significant amounts of money, however brings tangible benefits in terms of image, research and science. Creating the right infrastructure increases the prestige of the university and attracts both students and businesses.
Investing in a modern building, with renewable energy sources and multiple, well-equipped laboratories requires significant amounts of money, however brings tangible benefits in terms of image, research and science. Creating the right infrastructure increases the prestige of the university and attracts both students and businesses.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
AGH University of Science and Technology

Project manager