
Development of Technological Capabilities for the Industrial Application of the Internet of Things
Published on 08 June 2020

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The development of IoT technologies is having a boost in the last years and it is believed that will have a key role in the uses of infrastructures, cities, industries, and in developing business. Until now it is observed that the absorption and use of IoT solutions in industry is mainly done by big companies, and the main objective of the IOTEC project is to create conditions in the market to bring and spread IoT also to SMEs.
IoT solutions can help SMEs to improve productivity, and competitiveness in international markets. This way, IOTEC aims to promote smart growth through interregional cooperation for the promotion of Innovation in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), in Central region of Portugal and Castile and León, and take advantage of the important investments in scientific and technological infrastructures that where done in these two regions in the last years, like Universities and Technological Centers. This will generate an increase of scientific publications in IoT and an increase of scientific training to IoT Engineers and specialists, and IoT SMEs for the development of new and innovative solutions adapted to the industry needs and realities on these regions, helping to convert IoT into a key enabling technology for industrial SMEs.
Regarding industrial SMEs the actions are built to help them increase competitiveness, mainly in the traditional sectors, like agro-industry.
IoT solutions can help SMEs to improve productivity, and competitiveness in international markets. This way, IOTEC aims to promote smart growth through interregional cooperation for the promotion of Innovation in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), in Central region of Portugal and Castile and León, and take advantage of the important investments in scientific and technological infrastructures that where done in these two regions in the last years, like Universities and Technological Centers. This will generate an increase of scientific publications in IoT and an increase of scientific training to IoT Engineers and specialists, and IoT SMEs for the development of new and innovative solutions adapted to the industry needs and realities on these regions, helping to convert IoT into a key enabling technology for industrial SMEs.
Regarding industrial SMEs the actions are built to help them increase competitiveness, mainly in the traditional sectors, like agro-industry.
Expert opinion
The project “Development of Technological Capabilities for the Industrial Application of the Internet of Things” (IOTEC) focuses on innovation in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), with the aim to promote smart growth through interregional cooperation and enable Small- and Medium- Enterprises (SMEs) to adopt IoT technologies in order to boost their productivity and competitiveness, particularly in the agro-food sector in the Central region of Portugal, Castile and León. The interregional collaboration among professionals and scientific experts from universities and technological centers, led the development of new solutions adapted to the regional context, industrial needs while improving research and innovation (R&I) infrastructures and upskilling engineers.
Some insights from the good practice:
-The good practice offers an example of a cross-border interregional project in the field of IoT, which can inspire other regional policymakers to foster such initiatives.
-When pursuing a technology-based project, the good practice highlights the importance to upskill and diffuse knowledge not only for the private sector but also for universities and the public sector.
Some insights from the good practice:
-The good practice offers an example of a cross-border interregional project in the field of IoT, which can inspire other regional policymakers to foster such initiatives.
-When pursuing a technology-based project, the good practice highlights the importance to upskill and diffuse knowledge not only for the private sector but also for universities and the public sector.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
1.544.817,58€ of total investment – FEDER: 1.158.613,26€.
Involvement of universties and technological centers. The creation of work groups to establish global links and connections between the centers in the two regions, with specific training programs and doctorates in IoT technologies.
Involvement of universties and technological centers. The creation of work groups to establish global links and connections between the centers in the two regions, with specific training programs and doctorates in IoT technologies.
Evidence of success
The IOTEC project has far surpassed its initial objectives regarding parity between professionals and scientific experts. Furthermore, a total of 50 companies and organisations became involved in the project although the initial target was 8.
More than 60 regional SMEs investing in R&D in order to obtain new ICT products and services in IoT.
At least 20 ICT SMEs and 10 industrial SMEs from each region will benefit directly from training and advice coming from the IOTEC project.
More than 60 regional SMEs investing in R&D in order to obtain new ICT products and services in IoT.
At least 20 ICT SMEs and 10 industrial SMEs from each region will benefit directly from training and advice coming from the IOTEC project.
Potential for learning or transfer
The project has led to intelligent growth in the cross-border cooperation area, promoting innovation, research and technological development. It has also led to the improvement of research and innovation (R&I) infrastructures and has increased the capacity for excellence in R&I. European Competence Centres have also been promoted.
Moreover, produced improvements on scientific excellence making the Cross-Border Cooperation area more competitive internationally in several lines of research.
An ecosystem of pilot work in the R&D of IoT technologies with all the involved actors (public administration and public and private Spanish and Portuguese stakeholders), this includes a promotion and diffusion program in IoT in the educational field, as well as for the general public.
Moreover, produced improvements on scientific excellence making the Cross-Border Cooperation area more competitive internationally in several lines of research.
An ecosystem of pilot work in the R&D of IoT technologies with all the involved actors (public administration and public and private Spanish and Portuguese stakeholders), this includes a promotion and diffusion program in IoT in the educational field, as well as for the general public.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Universidad de Salamanca

Castilla y León
Project management