Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Slovenia
About this good practice
DIH Slovenia enables digital transformation on the principle of one-stop-shop, in Slovenia and beyond. It raises awareness and provides services for the growth of digital competences, exchange of digital experiences and examples of good practice at local, regional and international level, and proposes to the government and provides access to data to promote entrepreneurship.
DIH Slovenia is a central national point for providing, connecting and supporting business and technological knowledge, technologies, experimental and pilot environments, best practices, methodologies and other activities aimed to enable Slovenian industry to build digital competencies, model innovations and processes, support their digital transformation and raise their competitive advantages based on digitialization.
Cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary partnerships (universities, research and business institutions, businesses, ICT providers and business support organizations) are building an ecosystem to sustainably support this vision in the short and long term.
The operation DIE-DIHSLOVENIA-2019-2023 is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Its aim is to become a national point for digitization and digital transformation, more specifically through establishing a digital ecosystem, direct SME support (mentoring), integration at national and EU level and promotion of digitalization.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
2.6m EUR of funding from ERDF, co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia. There are 7
employees in the organization, 3.5 full time equivalents. Memberships from key funding strategic partners.
Evidence of success
The success of this good practice is embodied in the active strategic partnership of 14
key partners that shape the focus on specific solutions to support the Slovenian business
environment. Cumulatively, in this period, 945 business organizations were directly
involved with DIH Slovenia and financed to enhance their digital transformation pathway.
Potential for learning or transfer
The experience of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, and lessons learnt during the whole process – from designing the idea about the DIH, creating the concept, selecting the right partners, presenting the idea to the managing authorities, getting the funding, building the team, positioning the newly established organization on the market, building the trust among the companies, can be useful for other regions willing to establish and run DIH in their environment.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.