Emilia-Romagna Go Global (ERGO) 2016 – 2020
Published on 18 September 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
ER Region offers companies and other public and private organisations a wide ranging set of opportunities to support their internationalisation, from early stages to more advanced international presence. The Region carries out both directly and indirectly actions including the following axis of intervention: 1) information, training and economic intelligence; 2) cooperation agreements with regional/provincial institutional counterparts in target countries; 3) organisation of business and/or institutional meetings and/or promotional events (including cultural events) in target countries or with incoming delegations; 4) setting of priorities and evaluation criteria for the selection of projects to be financed through open calls, including call for systemic promotional projects, call for non-exporting SMEs, call for Internationalisation Consortia, call for SMEs participation to international fairs, call for internationalisation of regional fairs system; 5) joint promotional projects in target countries with business unions, chambers of commerce and businesses as final beneficiaries; 6) Attraction of foreign investments (scouting, lead generation, call for investment projects under regional Law 14/14, marketing and promotion, agreements with local authorities, communication). The final beneficiaries of the Programme are regional companies (mainly SMEs), universities/research centres.
Resources needed
Depending on annual budget availability, on average about 10 million/year
Evidence of success
In 2017: 1 Observatory on internationalisation, 95 informative events, 4 country coordination forums (Iran, Kazakhstan, Cina, USA), 755 companies co-financed, 300 companies in joint promotional actions, 3 strategic projects (start-ups in Silicon Valley, World Food Forum in China, Agrofood India), 7 Clust-ER set - up in the S3 sectors 4 institutional/business missions (EXPO ASTANA 2017, New York, China, Guangdong), 100 cultural events co-financed/supported
Potential for learning or transfer
ERGO is a methodological and coordination instrument aiming to obtain an effective alignment of the different actions planned and implemented by the Region and its partners. This coordination is focused on selected targets (countries and sectors). It is also a good way to present to regional stakeholders and SMEs the different tools and actions implemented by the Region in the field of internationalisation. The method used to elaborate ERGo allows the Regional Government to coordinate not only actions carried out by its different departments, but also with other relevant partners outside the region and to concentrate actions and resources of all partners and stakeholders. As such, it has a significant potential for transfer, if it is adapted to the specific socio-economic, institutional and governance features of each regional context.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Emilia-Romagna region