EnerSIG, application to cross data about buildings characterization and energy consumption in Paris

About this good practice
EnerSIG was developped in 2021, thanks to the expertise of three actors: the Local Authority (geographical information system expertise), the Paris Climate Agency and the Paris Urbanism Agency (data and cartography expertise respectively specialised in condominiums retrofit and territorial analysis). This tool was developped to improve knowledges about private residential buildings, data sharing and collaboration with partners . It was notably developped to reach Local Authority objectives in 2050 : becoming a neutral city by dividing its energy consumption and accelerating condominiums retrofit.
EnerSIG is an innovative and interactive tool which centralises and crosses many data. It offers thematics maps, key numbers, graphics, focus on urban plots (which is an appropriate scale in a dense area) with information concerning buildings (residential and public) and energy (consumption, renewable energy).
EnerSIG meets the Local Authority needs. Indeed, it offers overall views on different aspects, detailed analysis to different scales, the follow up on energy consumption to the building scale, but it can also identify needs, opportunities and potentials.
EnerSIG is available for all the stakeholders who participated to its creation, that is to say more or less 110 users (mainly services from the Local Autority). Recently, we have developed a EnerSIG club to review how to use the tool properly but also to discuss with partners about improvements and developments of the tool.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
EnerSIG only required full-time staff during 3 months for the 3 actors.
To succeed in the development of such a tool, it is important to define clearly the aims, to integrate relevant partners, to rely on technical expertise, but also to have the total control over the tool and data.
Evidence of success
Because all parisian condominiums are registered in EnerSIG, we can analyse them. We noticed partners interest so we aim at developing the app on the metropolitan area of Paris but also to present it in France and in Europe (technical specifications).
For example, the app can identify buildings which can be connected to the parisian heat district. It allows to pool works on specific urban plots and therefore to reduce the cost and difficulties for highway roads and within condominiums.
Potential for learning or transfer
EnerSIG is first an app which aims at improving knowledges on private residential buildings in order to meet Local Authority objectives.
The app offers to identify needs, opportunities and priorities. In other words, it offers a simplified territory diagnosis to implement specific actions to anwser the policy instrument. For instance, the app can rapidly identify the construction era or the location of the highest energy consumers residential buildings in the city.
It also offers specific information to different scales or at different time. For instance, it can show the energy consumption evolution of a building and highlights when it was retrofit.
EnerSIG is a real support for advisors working at the Agency, in charge of informing and accompanying co-owners notably in their retrofit project.
The total autonomy on the tool is a very important aspect because it means that it can be easily and fastly enhanced, thanks to the technical expertise and the collaboration of each partner.
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