France Travail LAB
About this good practice
Accelerating complex, multidimensional projects and developing solutions adapted to the reality and needs of France Travail users, such is the ambition of the LAB and its regional branches, the first network of LABs in France.
The Labs have several aims: to facilitate the transition from idea to project, to respond to complex problems, to speed up projects, to design new employment services to be more efficient, to promote acculturation or learning, etc.
The proposed method, combined with the external perspective, makes it possible to seek collegial solutions. In two days, we obtain more results than if we had thought only between experts.
More precisely, the objective here is to remove the obstacles inherent in “classic” project management, by instilling an approach that promotes transversality, exchange and the involvement of all stakeholders, in order to transform France Travail, improve return-to-work services and create new ones.
In PACA, 3 service formats are offered by the Lab:
Lab Session for complex issues concerning users and external parties (mobilizes the entire Lab team as well as the Lab methodology)
Collaborative workshops for internal subjects (mobilizes only 1 Lab employee and does not commit the Lab budget)
Events on various subjects, particularly responding to a communication and partnership issue.
Resources needed
2/4 p for 1 session Lab of 1 day, depended on the number of participants (included preparation 2 months before and restitution after with ideas of solutions, 2 weeks after
Evidence of success
The significant increase in Lab activities in the context of employment reform: the Lab methodology and the skills of the Lab team facilitators have been acclaimed internally but also by the various stakeholders of the Employment Network. The Lab sessions have the advantage of bringing together interlocutors, encouraging mutual knowledge and freeing up speech; but also of accelerating the identification of concrete and operational avenues of work to be implemented.
Potential for learning or transfer
An innovation accelerator at the regional level :
The LAB mobilizes methods from collective intelligence that put the user at the center of the process to bring out new ideas, boost projects and accelerate transformations for job seekers and businesses.
Job seekers, businesses, employees and partners exchange and co-construct innovative solutions together in response to complex issues related to Pôle emploi's strategic orientations:
• Better meet the needs of job seekers and businesses
• Facilitate the work of our employees
• Make our operations and organization efficient
LAB sessions can be conducted in person, remotely - using suitable tools - or in traveling mode.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.