GECO Green Energy Community

About this good practice
The project envisages the creation by 2023 of a renewable energy community composed of SMEs and citizens, powered by renewable energy plants associated with storage systems.
In compliance with the deadlines dictated by the European EIT Climate-KIC, the development of the project includes differentiated actions depending on the sector of reference:
- from a technical point of view, the feasibility study of photovoltaic installations and the selection of the financial partners for their implementation are under way;
- on the communication side, the local dissemination of the project takes place through meetings with the community, newsletters, social networks, mass mailings, articles in newspapers, magazines, and web.
- Two informative guides on the topic of energy communities and aimed at citizens were developed throughout the project.
The energy community should be operative by the end of 2022, depending on the Italian legislation. The first generation system should be built at CAAB (an public manifestation of interest to construct a PV system in the rooftop of CAAB was published on 24.06.2022).
The platform to control the electric flow among the members, developed by UniBo and the private blockchain for the implementation of the smart contracts, allowing the division of entries automatically between members, and APP for restitution of the electricity data to citizens, developed by ENEA.
Resources needed
Il finanziamento complessivo del Progetto GECO è di 2,2 millioni di euro per il periodo Set. 2019 - Dic. 2022, con un tasso di co-funding pari a 50%.
GECO is co-financed (50%)by Climate Kick for an amount equaling to 2.2 million euros from september 2019 untill December 2022.
Evidence of success
Creation of a network of continuous information and updating among all the members and stakeholders involved in the project.
Potential for learning or transfer
The ways of involving stakeholders during the process of establishing a renewable energy community described above may in the future represent a starting model for the establishment of new communities. Through a widespread use of this model, it will also be possible to improve it and adapt it to the needs of different communities and stakeholders.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.