Green Bus Demonstration Pilot Project
Published on 02 September 2021
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Problem addressed:
Informing citizens, service providers, local professionals and decision- makers about the possibilities of e-mobility and the latest technology is one of the key challenges for the deployment of e-buses.
Reaching of objectives, implementation:
The Green Bus Demonstration Pilot Project Promoting promotes e-bus electromobility by demonstrating its benefits, increasing the citizens’ climate awareness and provides opportunities to the bus manufacturers to showcase their vehicles to potential customers. For the showcase and test of e-buses one month demonstration period is provided in 10 different Hungarian locations (town and cities with local population more than 25,000 inhabitants) that has the required transport infrastructure.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries:
Good Practice owner: the Green Bus Programme, main beneficiaries: bus manufacturers and distributors, infrastructure providers, municipalities, local service providers, professional organizations, educational institutions, citizens.
Informing citizens, service providers, local professionals and decision- makers about the possibilities of e-mobility and the latest technology is one of the key challenges for the deployment of e-buses.
Reaching of objectives, implementation:
The Green Bus Demonstration Pilot Project Promoting promotes e-bus electromobility by demonstrating its benefits, increasing the citizens’ climate awareness and provides opportunities to the bus manufacturers to showcase their vehicles to potential customers. For the showcase and test of e-buses one month demonstration period is provided in 10 different Hungarian locations (town and cities with local population more than 25,000 inhabitants) that has the required transport infrastructure.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries:
Good Practice owner: the Green Bus Programme, main beneficiaries: bus manufacturers and distributors, infrastructure providers, municipalities, local service providers, professional organizations, educational institutions, citizens.
Resources needed
2.2 million EUR funding is dedicated for the implementation of the demonstration pilot project. Staffing capacities are provided by the Neumann János Nonprofit Ltd.
Evidence of success
The practice is considered as good: it is a national level initiative that targets the main territorial hubs (mainly county seat towns) with test e-bus vehicles and targeted funding to be provided to local public transport organisation to run the tests and by doing so impact citizens, professionals, local municipality managers and decisions makers in favour of e-bus deployment based on the obtained local hands on experiences.
Factual evidence: 6 successful e-bus test in 6 cities until April 202
Factual evidence: 6 successful e-bus test in 6 cities until April 202
Potential for learning or transfer
The transfer requires a professional policy will at national level to impact lower territorial units and settlements for the enhanced deployment of e-buses. The success of such initiatives lies in a fact that professional infrastructure and vehicle support should be coupled with financial initiatives accessible for the targeted cities/settlements.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd.
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