Guidelines for the Regional Plan for Electric Mobility (PRME)
Published on 10 December 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
In order to preserve the environment from pollution, Lazio Region issued the guidelines for the Regional Plan for Electric Mobility (PRME) draft and for the “Regional Infrastructure Program for Electricity Charging" to create a network of charging infrastructure on the regional territory. It is necessary to grant the implementation of the "Regional Mobility Plan" and the preparation of the "Regional Infrastructure Program for Electricity Charging" to a specialized company with specific competences in State co-financing. It is also important to provide the necessary technical assistance to the Regional offices.
The implementation of the infrastructure network involves the installation of two types of infrastructure (fast and slow / accelerated) to be distributed on the territory by 60% in metropolitan areas and 40% in other areas, according to four macro-categories: public recharge; fuel distributors; private recharge accessible to the public; private recharging.
To ensure an extensive charging network across the entire regional territory, so as to favor the development of electric mobility, it is necessary to involve directly the main local authorities of the four regional provinces and the Roma Metropolitan City. In addition, the fast charging network (up to 50 kw) must be extended to motorways network, in order to guarantee the ability of electric vehicles to travel long distance, ensuring a maximum 50 km distance between fast charging points.
The implementation of the infrastructure network involves the installation of two types of infrastructure (fast and slow / accelerated) to be distributed on the territory by 60% in metropolitan areas and 40% in other areas, according to four macro-categories: public recharge; fuel distributors; private recharge accessible to the public; private recharging.
To ensure an extensive charging network across the entire regional territory, so as to favor the development of electric mobility, it is necessary to involve directly the main local authorities of the four regional provinces and the Roma Metropolitan City. In addition, the fast charging network (up to 50 kw) must be extended to motorways network, in order to guarantee the ability of electric vehicles to travel long distance, ensuring a maximum 50 km distance between fast charging points.
Resources needed
About € 50,000.00 are foreseen to complete the Plan and about € 100,000.00 for its management (in terms of human resources). With regard to the implementation of the infrastructures, a financial commitment of approximately € 12,000,000.00 is envisaged.
Evidence of success
In relation to the territorial and demographic characteristics, parameters were identified based on the real needs of recharging infrastructures. Economic incentives have been foreseen for the purchase and installation of charging infrastructure. The property tax on the vehicles has been abolished for electrical ones. The Plan includes a plan implemented through different levels of government (State - PNIRE, Region - Regional Energy Plan, Municipality of Rome - Electric Mobility Plan).
Potential for learning or transfer
The method used for the distribution of infrastructures on the territory of the Region was a morphological and demographic analysis of a very varied territory. Therefore the distribution of the columns responds to a hierarchical network logic. Furthermore, the consultation with local authorities and economic operators and the consequent sharing have certainly represented a very effective and useful practice.
Further information
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Lazio Region