HGC Academy
About this good practice
The Middle-sized Business Development Program in Hungary pioneered tailored enterprise solutions for competitive manufacturing SMEs, enhancing market positions. The reason to launch this new program was the underperformance of high-growth potential companies on international level, their limited innovation potential and absence of tailored mentoring services provided by intermediary organizations.
HGC Academy served as a knowledge hub and talent management platform. It facilitated research, identified market needs, forged personalized development opportunities and partnerships. Workshops held countrywide engaged businesses, enabling managers to discuss strengths, development areas in technology readiness, high-performance management, CRM/ERP systems, financing, foreign market presence, online presence.
Targeting companies with a minimum sales volume of 100 million HUF in the Convergence region, over 10 employees, growth in the past 3 years, the program reached out to 500 executives. The 1st phase integrated 160 companies. The second phase featured tailored improvements and training, including on-the-job management mentoring, international study tours, visits to industry 4.0 sample factories, and web-based training. These initiatives were complemented by a HGC training center as a comprehensive venue. This initiative received support from the national EDIOP program. In cooperation with IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. Pannon Business Network was coordinating HGC Academy.
Resources needed
HR need of the activity: network of skilled experts for the mentoring: at least 1 expert each for the 6 special thematic areas, 1 manager for organizing local and national events, programs and 1 financial manager for the administrative issues and 2 supporting colleagues.
Budget: approx. 975 000 €.
Evidence of success
500 entrepreneurs were contacted who already run medium-sized businesses. 21 workshops organized, 140 companies were mentored, 200 people brought on study tour, 46 trained for digitalization. Average size 4 mio € and 73 staff. Direct impact is due to internationalization efforts, what is reflected by 12 mio euro commitment from the supplier meetings. 30 mio € grant is allocated 50% subsidy ratio, therefore it should generate the equal amount of business investment in the coming year.
Potential for learning or transfer
The GP is relevant to other EU regions thanks to its practical approach and the professional expert background.
HGC Academy provided excellent experiment field for testing the mentoring services for companies through the organisation of thematic workshops in all counties of the country, and by organizing on-the-spot surveys and common learning activities.
Key success factor was to experience the challenges of SMEs on the country level which served essential information in detecting challenges in business operation and by identifying success stories, solutions for poor performing SMEs.
The program tackled the challenges and development of SMEs in a structured way along the 6 thematic topics.
The series of workshops organized especially for the CEOs of the companies provided an effective platform for the common learning process, sharing the business challenges which could be analysed together with the support of skilled experts.
Further information
HGC Academy Workshop for CEOs
Good practice owner
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