About this good practice
HomeTab is a comprehensive tablet-like device in terms of functionalities and on the other side is very simple to use. In the development phase designers strictly followed instructions from the end- user group which pointed out that technologies should be affordable, user-friendly, secure and reliable. In order to have a successful large- scale product they took into account couple more requirements: simple toimplement, expandable and usable in community-based caresettings.
Home tab has three main devices:
a. Tablet (as a phone and multi-use device)
• Emergency call
• Service call
• “how do you feel”
• Reminder
• Calendar
• Call to relatives/friends
• Games
• Monitoring of smart home devices
• Speech recognition
b. Bracelet
• Emergency call
• Fall detection and alarming
• Activity monitoring
• Geo location
c. Wireless sensors
• Different 3rd party sensor detection and management
The key was the cooperation with different stakeholders (Universities – testing and evaluating, End users – demands and feedbacks, Other tech peers – technology and development) within several EU projects which contributed much to understand the users and markets well.
In over 20 international markets the strong intend on testing and implementing the HomeTab was expressed even before the first prototype was ready. End-users who apply to participate in large scale pilot (400 users) were very eager to test it. Such a positive expectation from users is key indicator of a successful work.
Resources needed
It is not estimated what is a financial resource needed to set up a complete service in one region. It depends on set of factors where number of users and system of existing health and medical services are the main one.
Evidence of success
- 400 end-users fast respond to become the test users
- There is a strong interest in this solution in more than 20 countries
- Technology is properly working
- At the moment the HomeTab is already on the market
Potential for learning or transfer
HomeTab meets end-user’s needs, is reliable and very simple to use. Good practice offers:
- how to include end-users,
- how to work with research institutions,
- how to proper evaluate prototypes
- how to be in constant touch with the final beneficiaries and the whole value chain.
The good practice can be transfer also by adopting current solution to country/local needs.
At the moment the large scale pilot of 400 users are running in 4 EU countries (Slovenia, Austria, Italy and Netherlands). The output of large scale pilot shall detect final corrections especially in terms of expectations and demands in different EU countries. After the final tuning of the product the plan is to offer the product globally.
The fundamentals for the development of this good practice are:
• Years of experience in IT solutions for health-care facilities
• Expertise in hardware and software development
• Expertise in integration of different ICT solutions in health-care
• Expertise in project management
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.