HORUS – Slovenian Awards for Social Responsibility
Published on 10 May 2018
Vzhodna Slovenija
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Award encourages stakeholder engagement and approach to introducing corporate social responsibility strategy in an integrated manner while recognising its interdependence. Since 2009, Slovenian award for social responsibility Horus helps businesses and organisations analyse the state of CSR and sustainable development. It promotes an organised approach to SR within the organisation and the involvement of different stakeholders in the preparation of CSR strategy. It helps to raise awareness of the importance of CSR at the national level and encourages companies to benchmarking of their best practices with others, including foreign good practices. There are three kinds of awards for legal entities Award for strategic integrity of the legal entity (for a strategic approach to SR by companies and institutions), Project Award (for economy, education and youth cooperation) and Press Recognition (award for the publications on CSR in the media). In addition, each year Horus publishes another three calls for proposals: Special acknowledgment to an organisation or individual working in social responsibility context, Special journalist award and Special award for Slovenes Abroad.
Expert opinion
In Slovenia, businesses and organizations that excel in corporate social responsibility might potentially be awarded with the Slovenian Award for Social Responsibility. The award promotes a systemic approach to corporate social responsibility, increasing society’s awareness of the topic as well as its relevance, encourages companies to benchmark their situation against others and learn from the best practices available. The increasing number of applications demonstrates the importance of social responsibility and the fact that more and more companies and organizations are beginning to see the benefits involved in implementing CSR strategies, including positive effects on SME competitiveness. The awards are a simple tool to pay attention to the topic and give prominence to companies making good progress. The practice could be transferred to other contexts quite easily, but as highlighted, sustainable funding and political commitment is needed to develop this into a prominent initiative.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Yearly award budget is 10.000 EUR (60% of which goes for HR, production and promotion, 20% for subcontracting and 20% for material costs and award ceremony). The applicant contribute 50% of the funds, 40% the state and local authorities and 10% sponsors and donors
Evidence of success
In eight years, more than 100 legal entities and individuals participated in the process, including more than 30 independent evaluators every year.
The Slovenian award for social responsibility – Horus initiative, organised by IRDO and PRSS received the highest national recognition within the European Awards for the promotion of entrepreneurship project in the category Responsible and Inclusive Entrepreneurship awarded by the public agency SPIRIT in 2014.
The Slovenian award for social responsibility – Horus initiative, organised by IRDO and PRSS received the highest national recognition within the European Awards for the promotion of entrepreneurship project in the category Responsible and Inclusive Entrepreneurship awarded by the public agency SPIRIT in 2014.
Potential for learning or transfer
The project is already operating at the national level. The success of the project demonstrates the increasing number of applications by enterprises and other organizations, the number of partners supporting the project (more than 20), introduced CSR strategies in the companies and organizations and many positive effects reported by, mostly, companies. These effects are greater employee work motivation, employee innovations, business savings, increased media presence and increased company's reputation among the general public and other stakeholders. These effects were reported by the Horus winners (2009 to 2016) and some opinion leaders in the field of social responsibility in a 2016 survey, conducted by IRDO - Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility. Individual EU Member States already have their regional CSR awards; it might make sense to opt for an integrated approach and to introduce a joint strategic award in CSR field, to upgrade national practice as Horus.
Further information
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Vzhodna Slovenija