In Navarra we love recycling!

About this good practice
One of the objectives of the Waste Plan of Navarra 2017-2027 is to increase recycling, reaching the 75% of domestic and commercial waste in 2027. For this, awareness is a key element.
In this way, “In Navarra we love recycling!” is an awareness campaign to promote recycling among citizens formed by thematic campaigns, including those related to WEEE recycling and circular economy:
- “Do you really think this is my place?”
Campaign to aware about the appropriate places to deposit WEEE. 6 videos for different WEEE were made (2 LHA, SHA, TV, IT and lamp), giving them a voice so they could grieve for having been abandoned in wrong places by their owners. The campaign was spread through social network (YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn) and Google Ads.
- “In Navarra we love circular economy!”
Campaign to aware and give visibility through a video of the WEEE treatment plant Ecointegra, focusing on its social task as well. Ecointegra has received 50% co-financed aid from European Regional Development Fund through the FEDER 2014-2020 Operational Programme of Navarra. The campaign was spread through social network (YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn).
The campaign has been promoted by the Office for Waste Prevention and Promotion of the Circular Economy of Navarra (OPREC, by its acronym in Spanish), within the framework of the agreement between the Government of Navarra and the Integrated Waste Management Systems (among them collective Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems for WEEE).
Resources needed
The estimated budget (summation of the 2 described specific campaigns) is EUR 21,913.
Evidence of success
- “Do you really think this is my place?”
Until December 2022, the videos of this campaign had obtained about 80 K views and almost 8.524 K Google Ads impressions (almost 608 K became interactions).
- “In Navarra we love circular economy!”
Until February 2023, the video of this campaign had obtained about 112 k views.
Note: These are activity indicators, the impact of the described campaigns in the WEEE recycling objective of the Waste Plan of Navarra 2017-2027 has not been estimated.
Potential for learning or transfer
In Spain, the Directive 2012/19/UE on WEEE is transposed by Royal Decree 110/2015 of 20 February on WEEE, which through Extended Producer Responsability (ERP) figure obligates to EEE producers to finance the awareness campaigns on prevention, correct collection and management of WEEE, collaborating in its design and dissemination, together with distributors and competent administrations.
Therefore, “In Navarra we love recycling” was promoted within the framework of the agreement between the Government of Navarra and the Integrated Waste Management Systems (among them collective ERP systems for WEEE), according to which the Integrated Waste Management Systems will finance the awareness campaigns.
Taking into account that the ERP for EEE is recognised in European Union by mentioned Directive, maybe other European regions could find their own legal instruments in order to get EEE producers economically involved in the correct management of WEEE.
Further information
Do you really think this is my place? - Monitors and screens
Good practice owner
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