Innovation voucher for Seal of Excellence projects
About this good practice
Lombardy government is evaluating the extension of this approach to Phase 2 proposals that obtained SeO and could be supported by regional funds for further development and commercialisation, through loans and VCs.
Expert opinion
This practice exemplifies how the “Seal of Excellence” label can be used to identify regional SMEs with high-quality projects, and then support these with regional funding. It highlights the benefit for the institution awarding the funding, given the fact that the evaluation of the SME Instrument proposal has already been done. For the individual SMEs the innovation voucher is a “second chance”, and the value of being awarded the SoE is confirmed. The practice should be a source of inspiration to other regions and the potential of transfer is high. However, much like the available call budget limits the SME Instrument, this practice too is limited by the funding available on regional level.
Resources needed
Evidence of success
These elements in addition to the optimal results achieved in the 2 voucher editions for SeO Phase 1 companies (37 cases supported through R&I Call and 20 supported through Innodriver call) stimulated the evaluation of similar support measure
Potential for learning or transfer
SeO is in fact a strategic tool to recognise quality projects and to support them if the available budget is not enough and the proposed methodology can be easily managed as there is no further evaluation. Even in Phase 2, the SeO could represent the quality measure to identify the most interesting and promising projects and therefore, invest funds for their development. The support measure can’t be a voucher with a fixed amount (as for Phase 1) as the project’s budget is much higher and the regional funds are limited to support possible request. The alternative has to be a different model of intervention that help the company getting financial support for project scale up (such as a loan or the intermediation of VCs).
Good practice owner
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