
ITS – High technical institute for sustainable mobility, mechatronics and aerospace
Published on 23 May 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Italy and Piemonte Region are characterized by a very high unemployment rate among young people. Despite that, enterprises often find it difficult to reach high specialized workers. ITS are high technical institutes whose aim is to train highly specialized technicians in sectors that are strategical for the economic development of Piemonte. These institutes are managed by foundations that put together public administrations, universities, vocational training centres and enterprises. Their courses are dedicated to students that have already a high school diploma, they last two years and are free of charge for the participants. They release a Superior Technical Diploma that is recognized both at national and international level. They are characterized by a strong collaboration with the enterprises: at least 30% of the lessons take place in the enterprises premises and 50% of the teachers are from the enterprises. All the courses include an internship of 540 hours at least.
In Piemonte Region there are seven foundations that manage ITS. One of them is the ITS for sustainable mobility, mechatronics and aerospace that has three seats in Piemonte Region. There are courses that train professionals specialized in mechanics, electronics, automation and aeronautic systems in Torino. The course lasts two years, 1.800 hours. The intern period may be made abroad with Erasmus+ programme. The final examination give you a EQF fifth level diploma.
In Piemonte Region there are seven foundations that manage ITS. One of them is the ITS for sustainable mobility, mechatronics and aerospace that has three seats in Piemonte Region. There are courses that train professionals specialized in mechanics, electronics, automation and aeronautic systems in Torino. The course lasts two years, 1.800 hours. The intern period may be made abroad with Erasmus+ programme. The final examination give you a EQF fifth level diploma.
Expert opinion
This practice is an interesting example of how the dual challenge of youth unemployment and shortage of specialised competence may be tackled. It highlights the close collaboration with industry and the emphasis on internship and on-site training. Judging by the employment rate of those awarded diplomas, this could be an inspirational approach to regions in similar situations. Successful transfer requires engagement from industry; the amount of funding need varies with the scale of implementation.
Works at
Resources needed
ITS are financed by Piemonte Region with European Structural and Investment funds and national funds. The forecasted expense from 2016 to 2020 for all the seven ITS in the regional territory is about 15Millions €.
Evidence of success
The most important indicator of the success reached by ITS "High technical institute for sustainable mobility, mechatronics and aerospace" is done by the employment rate after ITS diploma. On the average about 70% of ITS qualified people have got a job after 6 month and about 80% have got a job after 12 months. About 90% are satisfied of their job and find it coherent with studies.
Potential for learning or transfer
Piemonte Region and Città Metropolitana di Torino have a very important industrial tradition. In the latest thirty years the traditional industrial model went into crisis and the system has also lost part of its capability of transferring technical skills. ITS model may be an answer to the challenge of revitalizing this capability.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
ITS Foundation for sustainable mobility, mechatronics and aerospace
