Kainuu Future Fund and AV support grants
About this good practice
In the Kainuu region, there is a strong need for vitality, jobs and visibility for a sparsely populated almost peripheric region with only small cities. For example, AV productions could bring more jobs and tourists to the area.
The Kainuu Future Fund, established in 2015, has been used in a way that supports the intellectual and economic prosperity of the region and the development of cooperation, to finance regionally significant development projects. In 2016, additional instructions were given to the Fund, especially to attract AV productions to Kainuu and to improve the region's reputation through them.
The most significant role of the Future Fund's support has been to support AV productions related to Kainuu. AV productions include films and TV series (drama and documentary productions).
The purpose of AV support granted from the Kainuu Regional Council’s Future Fund is to develop the expertise and infrastructure of audiovisual activities in the region, to increase the recognition of the region and to bring income to the regional economy.
The audiovisual sector fits to the broader goals of regional development. It is also important for tourism, restaurants, grocery stores, and accommodation services in the area.
¬The main stakeholders:
AV and media production companies, cultural and AV-related associations, municipalities. The Fund decisions are made by the Regional Board of Kainuu, and in some cases, the Region Mayor, and prepared by Regional Council’s civil servants.
Resources needed
The Regional Assembly of Kainuu established a Future Fund in 2015, with 600 000 € of capital. 445 000 € added more to the Fund by the 10.6.2024 decision of the Regional Assembly.
By the end of September 2023, a total of more than 630 000 euros in grants have been awarded from the Fund.
Evidence of success
The Regional Council of Kainuu conducted an evaluation study on the impact of AV support grants at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. The total use of the money in the Kainuu region of the productions realized with the 200 000 € AV production grants was 1,9 M €. In 2018-2019 in Kainuu 14 productions were filmed. There were production inquiries for films and series in the corresponding period, 36 pcs. Kainuu has reached through AV productions plenty of positive visibility internationally.
Potential for learning or transfer
It is possible to replicate the practice to other regions and follow the management system of the Future Fund.
AV (Audiovisual) support grants are crucial in regional development: They foster economic growth by creating job opportunities, and attracting talent and visitors.
According to studies, the Fund's contribution of around 200 000 euros has generated around two million euros for the region. It is clearly visible that investing in AV productions with grants brings economic benefits. Municipalities have a strong interest in supporting AV productions in their area.
AV technologies are engaging people of different backgrounds and demographic groups. Thus, the Fund has an impact on cultural and creative fields and innovation.
The Fund is linking the CCIs with regional development, and the practice is following the Interreg Europe thematic objective 4 on a more social Europe, topic 6: Culture and tourism for economic development, social inclusion, and social innovation.
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