Local composting in the Boryslav community

About this good practice
In July 2023, the Law of Ukraine "On Waste Management" entered into force. Ukrainian communities faced the task of organizing an effective household waste management system.
The first stage is the separate collection of waste. And if the residents of our community gradually learn to sort plastic, paper, glass, and metal, then the problem of bio-waste remains unsolved!
On August 4, 2022, at a meeting of the Boryslav City Council, the project for the arrangement of the city composter was approved. The project was developed by specialists of the Boryslava Ecocenter enterprise.
The composter receives organic waste from the community area, where there are 5 four-story buildings.
Subsequently, it is planned to create a network of such composters, which will correspond to the concept of bio-waste management, as well as to design a composting station for industrial composting. So this city composter is such a first step on the way to proper waste management in our community.
Expert opinion
The revised Waste Framework Directive introduced stricter rules to guarantee the separate collection of waste streams including biowaste. As up to 50% of municipal solid waste is organic, the bio-waste fraction plays an important role in the transition to circular economy. Municipalities can organise door-to-door collection of the organic fraction, or they can supply a number of biowaste collection points where citizens can drop off their biowaste. Alternatively, or in addition, municipalities can encourage citizens to dump their biowaste directly into home or community composting units. Composting is presently the dominant form of bio-waste recycling in the EU. Over 90% of the separately collected food and garden waste is processed into compost. Composting is a rather straightforward process that requires a modest amount of capital investment upfront. This good practice from the Boryslav community is an excellent example of a local action that can serve as a model to be transferred by other municipalities, regionally and nationally.
Resources needed
This idea was realized thanks to the Zero Waste Academy, utility workers, entrepreneurs, volunteers, deputies, the charitable organization "Caritas Boryslav" and scientists.
Evidence of success
Composting organics allows not only to reduce the amount of waste that goes to the landfill, or to improve the landscaping of the community, but also to obtain ecologically valuable products - biohumus! The ambitious goal is to compost organics at the level of the entire community, adhering to the slogan "waste to income".
Potential for learning or transfer
The project became a good example for spreading the idea and scaling the practice in the community, region, and region. A public composter was installed on the street. V. Chornovola, 12 has already become the object of interest of neighboring cities (Drohobych, Truskavets, Skhidnytsia) and establishing partnerships. Popularization of this practice will continue to influence residents' awareness, change their consciousness, and expand the network of local composters in the community.
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