Lumen Social Light
Published on 13 December 2019
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Lumen Social light laboratories had a strong impact on the whole local community, with workshops held throughout the city of Matera (involving associations, artisan shops, hospitals, museums, etc.). We work and co-create with local community and, especially, with 8 schools, 3 hospitals and 4 associations with a strong social inclusion approach. In order to organise this initiative, implemented in coordination with the Basilicata Region, we involved a high number of grass-root associations and we signed agreements with relevant regional stakeholders, such as ANCI (Network of the all the municipalities of the region), the Network of National Museum in Basilicata with 17 municipalities. At regional scale, about 6000 people were the protagonists of the Lumen Social Light Project to make “sustainable bag lights”, an innovative model with a solar panel integrated to recharge batteries. Through bag light self-creation laboratories, temporary and permanent citizens can make light bags for their own light. The light bags can be made and taken away by their makers, not just for the opening ceremony but for the whole year, creating a road that gives a new interpretation to the concept of light and the value of the dark. All these activities and laboratories have been developed involving also the Region and the Municipalities
Expert opinion
The good practice is a very interesting example of focusing on the art of light as a phenomenon - its presence and its necessary absence when needed. The practice also explores how the creation of light can bring together the community. The good practice could be of interest to other European regions and cities who have a certain tradition in public lighting, lighting of buildings, etc.
Resources needed
The Lumen Social Light Laboratories: Under evaluation
The district shines 8.000 euros
(electric equipments, communication, leaflet, design, performances)
Matera starred sky: 10.000 euros
(candles, communication, leaflet, artistic performances)
The district shines 8.000 euros
(electric equipments, communication, leaflet, design, performances)
Matera starred sky: 10.000 euros
(candles, communication, leaflet, artistic performances)
Evidence of success
This first experimentation raised a lot of interests. Citizens from other neighbourhood took place in the process and are willing to do the same
The Laboratories represented a strong tool for communication and involvement of citizens in the activities of the Foundation as well as they represented an extraordinary opportunity to raise awareness about the themes of light with particular attention to the virtuous use of light, the value of darkness and the problems related to the light pollution,
The Laboratories represented a strong tool for communication and involvement of citizens in the activities of the Foundation as well as they represented an extraordinary opportunity to raise awareness about the themes of light with particular attention to the virtuous use of light, the value of darkness and the problems related to the light pollution,
Potential for learning or transfer
This kind of practices can support people in recreating the sense of communities. It is necessary to identify a leader truly committed who can work daily to motivate other people and to have the clear objective in mind. Also it needs a certain of involvement and support from public administration which has to acknowledge the potential of such practices and try to facilitate it.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
International and European Affairs