LVISKA smart renewable energy based building automation learning environment
Published on 03 March 2022
Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
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About this good practice
One of the changes due to COVID-19 in Finland was the shift from working at the employers’ premises to working from home. Many people share their time between home, office, and summer house and in the new working culture, one can flexibly work online from any of these locations. Smart modern building service technology could help to save energy in the new working environment for example by lowering temperature and ventilation of an empty office space and switching back to normal when the space is in use. If the new technology is taken into use in a big scale, even with small adjustments, the overall energy savings can be remarkable. The challenge is to familiarize people working in the field of technical building services with the possibilities of the smart technology.
The North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Riveria established LVISKA smart renewable energy based building automation learning environment in 2021 with the help of ERDF and ESF funding. The learning environment ensures up-to-date, work-based and multidisciplinary building services engineering education in the region. The learning environment uses renewable energy sources and it enables to simulate the impact of automation on energy consumption of buildings. The learning environment will promote low-carbon building automation solutions in North Karelia, both in public and private sector and it is for the use of the Riveria students but also North Karelian municipalities and enterprises.
The North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Riveria established LVISKA smart renewable energy based building automation learning environment in 2021 with the help of ERDF and ESF funding. The learning environment ensures up-to-date, work-based and multidisciplinary building services engineering education in the region. The learning environment uses renewable energy sources and it enables to simulate the impact of automation on energy consumption of buildings. The learning environment will promote low-carbon building automation solutions in North Karelia, both in public and private sector and it is for the use of the Riveria students but also North Karelian municipalities and enterprises.
Expert opinion
Buildings are huge contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, with significant improvements needed to energy efficiency and use of clean energy. But even with the most modern technologies and energy efficient buildings, there is still chance for human error in using them inefficiently, including leaving technologies running when they do not need to be used. This is why automation and ICT will be so important to the energy transition, enabling buildings to run most efficiently, without required inputs from the building users. However, those in the building sector themselves, of course, still need to be made aware of the technologies and how to use them. This practice is a strong example for regions looking to overcome that hurdle.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The budget to establish the LVISKA learning environment was 264 129 €, of which 184 890 € by ERDF. In addition, LVISKA is receiving funds for multidisciplinary vocational education with the budget of 99 600 €, of which 69 720 € ESF funding. LVISKA employs four people part-time.
Evidence of success
The LVISKA smart renewable energy based building automation learning environment was successfully opened at the North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Riveria campus in 2021. Already hundreds of students have received training in LVISKA and the learning unit employs four people part-time.
Potential for learning or transfer
Smart building engineering technology is needed to meet the ambitious energy saving and efficiency targets of the European Union. There are many modern technological solutions available, but the challenge is to raise the awareness of both the technicians and the decisions makers on the possibilities of the smart technology. The goal of the North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium Riveria is to use the LVISKA smart renewable energy based building automation learning environment not only for the students of the institution but also to train staff members of the North-Karelian municipalities and enterprises in smart low-carbon building energy and automation solutions. The LVISKA learning environment is an example of one method to increase the awareness regionally on smart building engineering technology solutions and their potential to save energy and to cut emissions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium, Riveria
Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Project Coordinator