MAPAK - Hungarian Project Automation Centre
About this good practice
2019 we have launched a test version of a new, online, COVID compatible, IO supported instrument ,the “MAPAK”, which is an integrated, chatbot-based asset to support the project owners (SMEs), to improve and apply new low carbon and energy efficiency projects for a zero or a very low budget, and which is granted to collect all the reachable market information to help optimal planning, programming methods and developing techniques for call for proposals of the Managing Authorities.
We would like to analyse and study the basis on which the SME sector's given different answers for the virus situation created challenges, especially by the innovative use of IO supported assets and solutions.
We would like to disclose and understand the digitalization-based solutions of the SMEs of different countries, which aims at both the solution of the cost reduction and the rise of the energy efficiency as well. As a result, we would like to implement these good experiences to MAPAK, and to the new Carbon reduction measures of the GINOP Managing Authority of Hungary.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
39 950,00 €
Evidence of success
EDIOP PLUS priority 4 and its successor priorities in the 2021-2027 programming period have managed to incorporate several aspect of this project's findings into their professional context. The programme could give additional values in identifying the scopes of energy efficicieny calls for proposals such as KEHOP Plus or EDIOP PLUS in Hungary.
Potential for learning or transfer
MAPAK can secure the online pre-qualification and pre-selection method of project owners and help eligible ones to complete a relevant application, including the energy saving calculations and modelling as well. The model is flexible enough to be transformed to regional/national circumstances since the tenders and calls for applications for funding can easily be summarised and translated by the IT technology. An applicant can easily access funding possibilities once the framework is created regardless of geographical locations. The greatest potential for other regions or countries is the digitalisation of a whole tender process making funding more accessible.
Further information
Good practice owner
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