Mazowiecka Liquidity Loan
About this good practice
Polish National Development Bank in cooperation with the Marshal's Office of the
Mazowieckie Voivodeship launched the Mazowiecka Liquidity Loan for SMEs facing problems related to the COVID-19 epidemic. European funds for this purpose came from the Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020.
Support rules:
-targeted at micro, small and medium sized enterprises only,
-financing up to 500,000 PLN (circa 107 296,14 EUR),
-grace period up to 12 months,
-repayment period up to 5 years (60 months).
The support helped entrepreneurs maintain the company's financial liquidity and
secure its current needs, and settle overdue liabilities and bills.
As part of this support, SMEs had the opportunity to obtain financing for the following financial purposes:
- employee salaries and costs of personnel working on the company's premises,
including subcontractors,
- public and legal obligations of the enterprise,
- repayment of trade liabilities, covering the costs of using infrastructure,
- stocking up, purchase of semi finished products,
- expenses necessary to ensure business continuity,
- current installments of credits, loans or leasing , provided that the granted credit, loan
or leasing does not come from the ESI Funds, other funds, programs, measures and
instruments of the European Union or other sources of national or foreign aid.
Masovian Liquidity Loan was granted in the amount of up to PLN 500 000 PLN. The repayment period lasts up to a maximum of 5 yrs.
Expert opinion
The Mazowiecka Liquidity Loan is an initiative to provide loans to SMEs during the COVID-19 crisis in the Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in Poland. The initiative illustrates how European SME-focused financial instruments, namely JEREMIE Holding Fund, can be used at the regional level to respond to short-term shocks such as the COVID-19 crisis. The good practice highlights the importance of understanding SMEs’ needs and of collaborating in a multi-level framework with the Polish National Development Bank to find rapid solutions to SMEs’ existential threats. The initiative can inspire regional policymakers who aim to offer financial supports to SMEs facing sudden exogenous economic shocks such as the COVID-19 or energy crisis.
Resources needed
Mazowiecka Liquidity Loan was set up within the JEREMIE 2 project and National Development Bank was the Fund of Funds manager. Minimum of 3 people in the office were needed to operate this financial instrument. The financial resources reached almost 53 million PLN.
Evidence of success
By 31 December 2021, 304 Masovian Liquidity Loans were granted for a total amount of 52 994 769.00 PLN.
Potential for learning or transfer
First an analysis of SMEs needs in the region was needed. Then knowledge of the
financial instruments within the ERDF Funds and how to apply them. Also, an operator with the knowledge of the loan system in the bank sector would be beneficial for the proper implementation of this practice.
Further information
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