
Oldham Community Power
Published on 05 February 2021

United Kingdom
Greater Manchester
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
This project seeks to provide affordable, sustainable and low carbon energy by using both council owned and community-based buildings for solar installations. The scheme is primarily funded through a community share scheme, with secondary support through grants and loans provided by the local council. The first phase has been focussed on installing solar energy on local school buildings and making energy efficiency improvements. Setup as a social enterprise; the directors are volunteers, representing the community shareholders. Profits are used to repay investors and to support local development projects. A series of partnerships support the organisation, including having a volunteer director from the local authority and appointed installers. Current volunteer directors have key experience in sustainable energy infrastructure to steer the project accordingly. Phase two of the project has won a grant to investigate how to engage low income houses in sustainable energy production, as this is where it could have considerable community improvement impacts.
Expert opinion
The transition to renewable energy is one of the major goals of the European Union. It is covered by the European Renewable Energy Directive, the European Union Energy Roadmap 2050 or the EU`s 2030 new climate and energy framework. It is also in the core of the new European Green Deal, where the European Union supports the community energy, stipulating that all member countries enact laws that make community energy not only possible but also profitable. The European Commission estimates that by 2030, citizen-run energy cooperatives could own 17 percent of installed wind capacity in the European Union and 21 percent of the installed solar capacity. According to the same estimates, 50 percent of EU population should be producing solar energy on their roofs by 2050. This good practice is fully in line with the European Green Deal, as it focuses on community energy production in deprived neighbourhoods, combining positive environmental impact with positive social impact. The experience of the Oldham council, as described in this good practice, will be beneficial to other European regions, who are interested in community-owned models of renewable energy production.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
£20K government grant from Urban Community Energy Fund (UCEF)
£15K Pioneer share investment from the Council
£85K in further ordinary shares from the Council
£250K loan from the Council which has been refinanced through community shares
£15K Pioneer share investment from the Council
£85K in further ordinary shares from the Council
£250K loan from the Council which has been refinanced through community shares
Evidence of success
As at June 2019, The Society currently has 77 members, including the Council, which has £100,000 in shares. Being a cooperative, each Member has one vote at the AGM, irrespective of shareholding.
Since installation in 2016, 220kW of solar PV across five schools and one community centre. The OCP solar PV systems have saved the schools and community centre around £7,500 on their electricity bills, and already have reduced carbon emissions by around 180 tonnes of CO2 saved.
Since installation in 2016, 220kW of solar PV across five schools and one community centre. The OCP solar PV systems have saved the schools and community centre around £7,500 on their electricity bills, and already have reduced carbon emissions by around 180 tonnes of CO2 saved.
Potential for learning or transfer
Council/Municipality support has been the key to the success of setting up OCP. A similar level of support from municipality/regional/national government would be anticipated for the scheme to be transferred. Availability of financial support and policies to support such schemes would be essential, but also the ability to access public buildings to host the panels. Partnership working would be required at the local level.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Oldham Council

United Kingdom
Greater Manchester
Enterprise Fellow