Pilgrimage - Sustainable development of tourism regions with UNESCO religious sites.
Published on 25 May 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Bucovinia has a great deal to offer in terms of the development of religious tourism and pilgrimages due to its invaluable world-renowned heritage (eight churches listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List). In addition there are several churches with a rich tradition of pilgrimage that belong to different religious and ethnic groups.
Measures have been taken to protect, preserve and restore these assets whilst capitalising their value through tourism.
In this respect, activities to improve management and marketing at the destination level were considered:
- development of the destination management organization at the county level
- development of three destination management organizations at local level: Gura Humorului, Putna and Vama
- development of a network of tourist information centres
- development of a network of pedestrian routes with street signs that are a part of "E8" road in Romania
- development of bicycle routes that grant access to various monuments
- development of a tourist signage system
- attracting funds for investment development
- advertising and publicity in the media, on the Internet, on street billboards
- generation of brochures, leaflets, audio-video materials
- promotion of European cultural routes at local level
- participation in fairs both in Romania and abroad
- trips of familiarization
- organization of seminars
Measures have been taken to protect, preserve and restore these assets whilst capitalising their value through tourism.
In this respect, activities to improve management and marketing at the destination level were considered:
- development of the destination management organization at the county level
- development of three destination management organizations at local level: Gura Humorului, Putna and Vama
- development of a network of tourist information centres
- development of a network of pedestrian routes with street signs that are a part of "E8" road in Romania
- development of bicycle routes that grant access to various monuments
- development of a tourist signage system
- attracting funds for investment development
- advertising and publicity in the media, on the Internet, on street billboards
- generation of brochures, leaflets, audio-video materials
- promotion of European cultural routes at local level
- participation in fairs both in Romania and abroad
- trips of familiarization
- organization of seminars
Expert opinion
This is an example of implementation of a tourism strategy in a region in Romania with a focus on religious tourism. The initiative demonstrated positive results with regards to sustainable tourism development in the region. The establishment of cross-institutional and multi-level partnerships between central and local public authorities, the church and other institutions can be inspiring for other regions aiming to promote religious and pilgrimage tourism.
Resources needed
Human resources were needed for promotion - between 4 and 12 people
Financial resources involved were between 10,000 EUR and 12,000 EUR depending on the instrument used, the number of events and the number of participants,
Financial resources involved were between 10,000 EUR and 12,000 EUR depending on the instrument used, the number of events and the number of participants,
Evidence of success
Localities situated on the main tourist flows towards the monasteries of Bukovina (like Gura Humorului and Sucevița) have become important tourist destinations over the last 16 years:
- the number of accommodation places has increased by 8.5 times in Sucevița (from 92 to 783) and 6.3 times in Gura Humorului (from 201 to 1,260);
- the number of tourists has increased by 6 times in Sucevița (from 2,735 to 16,317) and by 62.7 times in Gura Humorului (from 947 to 59,331).
- the number of accommodation places has increased by 8.5 times in Sucevița (from 92 to 783) and 6.3 times in Gura Humorului (from 201 to 1,260);
- the number of tourists has increased by 6 times in Sucevița (from 2,735 to 16,317) and by 62.7 times in Gura Humorului (from 947 to 59,331).
Potential for learning or transfer
Cross-institutional multi-level partnerships: between central and local public authorities / the Church / NGOs. Partnerships have led to the sharing of financial efforts, but also to the involvement of different experts.
The early development of DMOs, essentially in the development of the tourist destination, has effected an increase in tourist traffic and accommodation capacity.
The involvement of the Church in the collective effort of promoting the destination, developing religious tourism, using promotional tools and developing a body of specialized guides.
The involvement of the private sector in the collective effort to promote the destination, to develop religious tourism, by providing direct financial support for promotion, in the organization of DMOs or through financial support.
The development of a tourist product as cultural tourism, but also as a specific product with religious motivation - the pilgrim.
The early development of DMOs, essentially in the development of the tourist destination, has effected an increase in tourist traffic and accommodation capacity.
The involvement of the Church in the collective effort of promoting the destination, developing religious tourism, using promotional tools and developing a body of specialized guides.
The involvement of the private sector in the collective effort to promote the destination, to develop religious tourism, by providing direct financial support for promotion, in the organization of DMOs or through financial support.
The development of a tourist product as cultural tourism, but also as a specific product with religious motivation - the pilgrim.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Ministry of Tourism
Head of service