Pilot project for pool heating in Badajoz through the combination of natural gas and biomass.
About this good practice
Badajoz City Council has put into practice two strategic plans to promote energy efficiency and savings during the periods 2007-2010 and 2010-2015. These master plans have involved an investment of more than 5M€ per year for the city of Badajoz, investing half a million euros from its own funds.
Within this framework, the City Council proposed a pilot project to compare the use of natural gas and biomass boilers to heat two municipal indoor pools. The first project, adapted a conventional boiler to natural gas. The second project installed a biomass boiler with a silo for wood chips.
Initially both facilities were identical, equipped with two boilers ROCA CPA 300, and the characteristics of the installations are the following:
1. San Roque pool.
Simple installation, ROCA TECNO burner, facade regulation cabinet A-75 for Counter G-25, remote control, energy counters Kamstrup (kcal), the initial diesel boiler is maintained in the installation. Estimated consumption reduction: 30%.
2. La Granadilla pool.
More complex installation, 300kW FROLING polycombustible biomass boiler, automatic discharge of the ash and automatic cleaning system, remote control, energy counters Kamstrup (kcal), the initial diesel boiler is maintained in the installation. Estimated consumption reduction: 80%.
Expert opinion
Decarbonisation of heating and cooling is a particularly big challenge for local authorities. This good practice provides an interesting case study, showing the proven benefits of switching technologies in a publicly owned building. The biomass boiler is especially interested, providing efficiency savings of 80%, making the payback period just 4 years.
Resources needed
An investment of 58.000€ in the case of adapting to a gas boiler, and an investment of 157.000€ in the case of the new biomass boiler. Both include a remote control system. This financing comes entirely from the City Council’s own funds.
Evidence of success
This practice has allowed the possibility to compare the results of changing an existing boiler for the use of a more efficient fuel (oil for gas) and installing a new biomass boiler, both in similar applications of climate control in municipal indoor pools:
- To gas: yearly savings are 24.915€ (payback period is 2,3 years)
- To biomass: yearly savings are 37.695€ (payback period is 4,2 years, not considering maintenance costs)
Potential for learning or transfer
This pilot project can yield results of great interest when deciding to replace one technology with another for climate control in municipal facilities.
Good practice owner
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