Répar'acteurs: the network and brand of craftsmen who repair everyday objects

About this good practice
In a context of environmental, economic and social crises, new strategies are emerging, based on a circular approach to the economy. Repairing helps to reduce waste by extending the life of objects and putting an end to disposable items. It saves raw materials, energy and water and reduces greenhouse gas emissions linked to production and transport.
To support this approach, the Chambers of Trade and Crafts, with the support of ADEME (National Agency for environment), have deployed a national label, Repar'acteurs, and a slogan "I repair...and it starts again!", allowing repair artisans to promote the act of repairing and to position themselves as actors in waste reduction. Artisans join the Répar'acteurs network after completing a free training course, at the end of which they sign a sustainable commitment charter and receive a physical and digital communication kit.
This network aims to mobilize repair actors, promote the know-how of companies, facilitate contact with consumers, and contribute to the local economy that creates jobs and social ties. Events dedicated to sustainable development are organized and local clubs of repairers that involve citizens are set up. A website has been created which allows citizens to find a repairer nearby.
Expert opinion
Repair instead of disposal is an integral part of circular economy and provides an opportunity to lower carbon emissions, thus complying with the objectives of the European Green Deal. For many years, repairs have been systematically unsupported, often unavailable or significantly more expensive than purchasing a new product. People motivated to choose repair over disposal and purchase of new products struggle to find a local repair shop. The Répar’acteurs network is an excellent way to promote repair and to support local economy and job creation. The combination of a digital tool, where customers can find repairmen in their area, with physical spaces and dedicated events, creates a nurturing space for circular economy. This example can be replicated by other cities and regions in Europe.
Resources needed
In the South Region, the network has a budget of 100 000 euros per year, financed by the Regional Chamber of Crafts Paca, the Ademe and the South Region. It benefits a regional coordinator and a person who creates and coordinates the regional communication, both for physical and digital tools.
Evidence of success
The Repar'acteurs network represents more than 4500 certified artisans in France, including about 350 in the South region. About sixty events have been organized throughout the South region in 4 years encouraging citizens to repair and maintain their objects instead of buying new ones. They thus limit the generation of waste, while developing a local economic activity that cannot be relocated. For the artisans, joining the network brings them opportunities by making known the work of each one.
Potential for learning or transfer
The Répar'acteurs network is a french network that could be developed in other countries. The interest of the project related to the repair of objects lies in the fact that more and more professionals are joining this network and more and more individuals are using the services of these craftsmen. Thanks to this dynamic, the network will be even better known by individuals and will enhance the economic fabric of the regions. It will also contribute to the maintenance of crafts and the survival of small businesses related to the repair trades and for these craftsmen it is also an opportunity for visibility. The network will make the consumer but also the craftsmen aware of the beneficial environmental and economic impact of repair. For several years now, this label has allowed repairers to position themselves as actors in the circular economy and in waste reduction in their territories.
A single brand and communication strategy makes the network better known.
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