
Rural village development strategy
Published on 30 March 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The strategy is formed in cooperation between local stakeholders, politicians and public officials. The strategy is used in areas where the goal is to promote a living countryside and promote rural development. The
Strategy includes an overall spatial planning but more importantly the cooperation between the municipality and the local stakeholders. The strategy identifies challenges, possibilities and presents activities for developing the area.
The strategy has been developed to take in to consideration that the municipality does not have the authority over for example roads, public spaces and land. The service in the area is often provided by the private companies and representatives of the community and government agencies is therefor different than the conditions that apply to urban development. The method used are village walks, workshops and analysis of local conditions. The owner of the strategy is the municipality.
Strategy includes an overall spatial planning but more importantly the cooperation between the municipality and the local stakeholders. The strategy identifies challenges, possibilities and presents activities for developing the area.
The strategy has been developed to take in to consideration that the municipality does not have the authority over for example roads, public spaces and land. The service in the area is often provided by the private companies and representatives of the community and government agencies is therefor different than the conditions that apply to urban development. The method used are village walks, workshops and analysis of local conditions. The owner of the strategy is the municipality.
Resources needed
Two local official with expertise in rural development and community planing. Input from the departments of the municipality and government officials responsible for land use and rural infrastructure. Time frame from 6 months to 1 year at 10-20% capacity. Facilitation costs, 10.000 euro.
Evidence of success
The two strategy that are completed have already resulted in a coordinated development of the rural villages. Investments have been made in the villages in public service, playgrounds and infrastructure. The local stakeholders have started development projects for 30 000 Euro. In one village the investment is approximately 100 000 Euro for one playground and recreational area. In the other village the playground and meeting point will be finalized in 2022 for the same amount. More will come.
Potential for learning or transfer
The potential for learning is good. The strategy have simple components that give positive effects. The effects are not just the strategy it self but the need fore coordination makes the administration more effective.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.

Development strategist