Solar air conditioning equipment for the benefit of companies
About this good practice
As part of its environmental concerns, particularly in terms of energy savings and the use of renewable energies, the company SCI Rose des Sables wishes to create a solar air conditioning installation as part of the equipment of the pharmaceutical warehouse. from Aurar to Mont Roquefeuil. The COTEL INGENIERIE design office carried out a feasibility study for the installation that is the subject of this grant request.
The objectives assigned to this project are:
- energy savings for the entity: 54% reduction in electricity consumption costs
- a positive impact on the environment: annual volume of 24.2 tonnes of CO2 avoided by the recourse
renewable energies (solar energy)
- Descriptive technique:
Following COTEL's recommendations, the beneficiary considers a solution with the supply of a system
compact solar handset SPS1 - 40 available with air conditioning.
The air conditioning group includes:
- the adsorption machine
- additional or emergency cold production thanks to a compressor integrated into the machine
- the condenser
- the different circulation pumps:
• solar collectors circulation pump
• pump between the hot water buffer tank and the adsorption machine
• cooling circuit pump (condenser)
• micro-trickle pump from the adiabatic cooler
• circulation pump from the chilled water circuit to the terminal units;
Within the framework of this project, the financial partners are: the Region, FEDER, the company (the SCI Rose des Sables Company), and the main be
Resources needed
Financing plan for selected expenses:
EU - FEDER € 23,100
CPN - Region € 9,900
Client € 22,000
TOTAL € 55,000
Evidence of success
This practice is considered to be effective, because it allows companies to save energy, thus reducing the costs of their energy consumption by half.
also a virtuous approach and a positive impact on the environment
Potential for learning or transfer
This project has real learning potential in the field of energy management for industrial and tertiary companies, which is a sector that consumes more energy.
Good practice owner
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