South East of Scotland Transport Transition Group (SESTTG)
About this good practice
The Group was established to develop and oversee a Regional Transport Transition Plan for the temporary and transitional measures throughout lockdown implemented for the pandemic. This brought together local, regional and national partners to plan for additional measures needed during this period.
The Plan's objectives, developed by the group were to:
1. Support walking, wheeling and cycling for all or part of commuter and non-commuter journeys
2. Maximise safe and efficient use of the public transport and support the continued viability of the public transport system.
3. Ensure public transport is available for those most dependent on bus, and rail services
4. Manage the potential for an increase in private car use during the easing of lockdown
5. Co-ordinate and disseminate regional messaging to support the safe use of the transport network and management of travel in line with national guidance
6. Ensure measures facilitate connected, multi-modal journeys.
The plan set out the group structure of all eight SEStran area Councils, SEStran and Transport Scotland. It was jointly chaired by Transport Scotland. The work focussed on measures to support bus-based journeys into Edinburgh, with additional subgroups for Finance and Monitoring and Evaluation, Communications, Travel Demand Management and wider regional measures.
In August 2021, the restrictions were lifted by the Scottish Government and the Group concluded the temporary ‘transition’ focus of the group.
Resources needed
Senior officers from national regional and local government. Scottish Government provided £10 million throughout Scotland's to support the rapid deployment of bus infrastructure by local authorities.
Evidence of success
The Group developed the Regional Transport Transition Plan, which is a dynamic plan supporting the need for urgent co-ordination between partners. It provides the policy context and governance basis to maximise the impact of targeted transport measures and interventions developed in response to COVID-19. The Plan also provided the means to demonstrate positive outcomes, and to progress from temporary to permanent measures in line with more strategic and longer-term transport policy objectives.
Potential for learning or transfer
Regular meetings facilitated discussions around specific challenges raised e.g. members of the group were able to raise and discuss issues arising, such as the TRO process in relation to the permanency of temporary BPRDF and Spaces for People measures, as well as dealing with political challenges and tight delivery timescales. Furthermore, communication and adequate messaging of the Group’s activities at times of emergencies can be challenging.
Lessons learnt implementing these temporary measures will help strengthen the region’s readiness to respond and adapt to any future public emergency. The experience of the SESTT Group has been that regional working can deliver benefits to the different parties involved and help avoid duplication of efforts.
The Group provided a space for regular discussion on a wide range of relevant or related issues including national public health policy changes. The governance model can be transferred to other regional transport authorities and regions.