SPARK Scan Plan Act Revolutionary Kit
Published on 09 November 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
SPARK is born thanks to a peer-learning action funded under Horizon 2020 dimostrating that exchange of experience and collective learning have a real enabling potential to improve capacities. It’s a new way to approach the dialogue between research and companies, enlarging the number and categories of actors involved, integrating specific competencies of Business Idea development (based on the BMC) as well as a coaching function. Actually, innovation and research results coming out from research projects developed in academies are still far from becoming tangible products. Usually researchers don’t have an extended vision taking into account market request. SPARK started from industrial research projects, financed by Regional Authority, to bring them closer to the needs of the market, giving researchers the opportunity to understand the company needs and contribute to their competitive growth. SPARK puts at the same table researchers, innovation centres, associations, public and private authority, business experts, companies, potentially interested to the product, providing useful ideas so that the result of the research is actually useful to companies. It creates a context where researchers can measure real feasibility of research activities with a marketable perspective. Five editions were organized as working tables, corresponding to regional S3 regional: Agrifood, Culture and creative industries, Mechatronics, Building and Constructions, Health & Wellbeing industries.
Expert opinion
SPARK is a programme to enhance university-industry collaboration and the uptake of scientific research in the business world. It brings together researchers with low Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) research concepts with business actors who have market knowledge. SPARK provides a space for discussion between researchers, and innovation centres, associations, public authorities, and private companies, and end-users. The programme allows researchers to test the business feasibility of their scientific research results and business actors to have access to latest scientific findings. The SPARK programme was organised in regional S3 priority areas: Agrifood, Culture and creative industries, Mechatronics, Building and Constructions, Health & Wellbeing industries.
Some insights from the good practice:
-Coordination is key to ensure wide participation of relevant stakeholders.
-Experts with skills at different TRLs are needed to accompany researchers from ideation-planning-execution to monitoring phase.
-The benefits of the programme must be clearly communicated to researchers.
Some insights from the good practice:
-Coordination is key to ensure wide participation of relevant stakeholders.
-Experts with skills at different TRLs are needed to accompany researchers from ideation-planning-execution to monitoring phase.
-The benefits of the programme must be clearly communicated to researchers.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
To set up 5 editions 9 peoples have been involved for a total of 350 man days. In particular:
-3 people with expertise in Innovation for Enterprises taking care of ideation-planning-execution-monitoring phase
-6 people with expertise in Human Capital & Startup involved during execution phase.
-3 people with expertise in Innovation for Enterprises taking care of ideation-planning-execution-monitoring phase
-6 people with expertise in Human Capital & Startup involved during execution phase.
Evidence of success
Thanks to SPARK, a research project can really become a useful product to the entrepreneurial system and above all "end users" may suggest modifications, improvements etc. The exchange of views also revealed uses that were not initially considered. Spark, involving 5 technopoles and about 250 participants, had a knock-on effect. The methodology has been replicated in order to organise activities at the local level and a new edition of SPARK as closing activity of INFRASAFE project.
Potential for learning or transfer
SPARK is fairly easily transferable as it requires the combination of elements or “ingredients” usually available in all contexts: researchers with research results, companies, sectoral experts, start-ups, end users, interest groups.
ASTER itself has experimented the transferability of the model to different sectors related to the regional S3 priorities: Health, Building and Constructions, Mechanics and Mechatronics, Cultural and Creative Industries, Agrifood.
Useful competencies, often, are within the development agencies (that was the case of ASTER) and in any case easily available in the market.
SPARK allows also to valorize the role of innovation places - in our case the Technopoles. In fact , SPARK events had been organised at Technopoles where attracting the different actors of the regional ecosystem, thus strengthening the Technopoles identity as places where “innovation happens” and research results can become tangible products.
ASTER itself has experimented the transferability of the model to different sectors related to the regional S3 priorities: Health, Building and Constructions, Mechanics and Mechatronics, Cultural and Creative Industries, Agrifood.
Useful competencies, often, are within the development agencies (that was the case of ASTER) and in any case easily available in the market.
SPARK allows also to valorize the role of innovation places - in our case the Technopoles. In fact , SPARK events had been organised at Technopoles where attracting the different actors of the regional ecosystem, thus strengthening the Technopoles identity as places where “innovation happens” and research results can become tangible products.
Further information
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