Supply market and meal preparation in school restaurants, leisure centres and multi-accommodation ce
About this good practice
Meals are educational moments for children involving the need for quality service. Therefore, the candidate's meal preparation must scrupulously follow the recommendations of the National Nutrition Health Plan and the GEM-NCR. It is also a question of meeting the definition established by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of what a short circuit is. Promoting fair trade is also essential since the law of 31 July 2014 on the social and solidarity economy.
In order to achieve its objectives, the practice requires the development of a monthly food plan in 20 consecutive meals to compose varied and balanced menus throughout the year and facilitate compliance with food frequencies that will be submitted to a Menus Committee.
The model requires an emphasis on the quality and safety of the products used to produce meals and on the use of local and regional products.
It requires the presentation of pedagogical actions with local authorities and animation staff at the catering sites during the school year.
In order to ensure the organisation and implementation of the service in the room, staff must be made available and trained on innovative collective catering themes.
The candidate is subject to unannounced checks by an official representing the State.
The main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice are community and candidate staff, as well as guests and families.
Expert opinion
The good practice is an excellent example of introducing a highly sustainable food culture into the educational system. By doing so children are likely to become more reasonable, thoughtful and considerate adults. The good practice combines an environmental benefit with social and health benefit. It also promotes regional development through favouring local food and short food circuits. The good practice could be of interest to local authorities who would like to work with the school canteens in their area and create a sustainable and long-lasting food culture.
Resources needed
The human resources correspond to the recruitment, training and provision of personnel by the local authority and the candidate to coordinate and carry out the collective catering service.
Evidence of success
The template promotes products from short circuits and seasonality of fresh products. It lso promotes quality products.
Overpackaged products should be avoided. The same for energy consumption related to food storage and meal production, water consumption related to the operation of restaurants. The template promotes a use of cleaning products respectful of the environment and the health of the agents and a committment to combat food waste.
Potential for learning or transfer
Raising awareness among young people is a key issue in sustainable development, making it possible to promote and educate younger generations in more sustainable behaviour and to anchor these values in their daily lives.
There is a real effort and special attention devoted to the establishment of healthy, balanced and varied meals for the benefit of guests. By offering organic or equivalent products, it is the promotion of the consumption of products from organic farming that is highlighted.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.