Support for Covid-19 products development
About this good practice
During Covid emergency, the lack of medical equipment and products has led to launching a financial measure called “Manufacturing of Covid 19 products LT”. The call has provided financial support for SMEs in 4 R&D&I areas: developing medical products and treatments (including vaccines), development of medical devises and medical supplies, development of disinfectants and raw material for their production and the development of data collection and data processing tools. This call has concentrated nationally available RDI capacities and expertise to create and develop innovative products, services in specific and very targeted areas under sudden demand. It was also a financial support for companies which were forced to stop their daily routine to start creating and developing new products. In many cases it led to reorganization of human resources, production lines and keeping companies alive during pandemic.
Resources needed
Funding allocated for this measure was 31 million EUR
Evidence of success
The call was closed after 1 day - 72 applications were received and 53 applications were approved and 24 millions Euros allocated for this call. Having in mind that requirements for companies’ capacities were high (f.e. turnover for a company should be not less than 145 000 Eur during three-year period, expertise required). It ensured that only SMEs with having expertise in a field could apply for the funding and create required products.
Potential for learning or transfer
The transfer of the practice is relatively easy to adopt, and it is a solution of each state how and in what extend to support business in Covid 19 pandemic time.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.