Support for the development of technical-economic documentations to prepare investments projects in urban mobility field
About this good practice
COVID-19 generated an economic crisis that led to a limitation and prioritization of financial resources towards health and social protection fields and affected the potential beneficiaries that implement investment projects. In this framework, in 2020, by the Romanian Government Decision, it was granted the financial support to develop technical-economic documentation in 5 strategic fields at local/national level: urban mobility, urban regeneration, road infrastructure, tourism including cultural heritage, leisure centres/school camps/touristic bases. The estimated value of the investment projects in the field of urban mobility that will be financed under 2021-2027 programming period is about 130 mil EUR.
SE RDA organised a competitive call for the potential beneficiaries, administrative territorial units from the SE Region. 6 mobility project fiches have been approved, envisaging the development of technical-economic documentation for the investment projects aiming at: increased urban mobility by creating a transport hub and a transport operational centre; modernized urban transport (tram connection) and the tram depot; building the network of intermodal terminals, increasing the accessibility of the transport network; establishment of the public passenger transport system with environmentally friendly rolling stock, including parking infrastructure and creating the facilities for cyclists within the urban mobility corridor.
Resources needed
The non-reimbursed financial support approved for the development of technical-economic documentation for the mobility project was almost 4 mil EUR representing 98% of the total eligible costs. Human resources involved on behalf of SE RDA: 2 technical experts.
Evidence of success
All the beneficiaries signed the services contracts with the specialized economic operators for the development of the technical-economic documentations. Therefore, some of the technical-economic documentations have been achieved, such as: geotechnical studies; topographical studies; technical expertise; traffic study; study/calculation of GHG emissions; documentation for obtaining the town planning certificate, feasibility study, etc.
Potential for learning or transfer
There can be transferred to other regions the lessons learnt in terms of evaluating the project fiches on urban mobility (e,g selection criteria, cost effectiveness etc) and the development process of the technical-economic documentation (legislation in force, tools developed to check the deliverables etc).
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