Support service for energy renovation - SARE
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About this good practice
The South-PACA region has made one of its priorities to become carbon-neutral by 2050. The region possesses a relevant renovation framework with its 2,8 million of housings – 48% are individual housings with more than half rated E, F or G -.
The support service for energy renovation SARE launched in 2021 in France intervene as the deployment of a government initiative called “FAIRE” (Facilitate, Support and Inform about Energy Renovation) - regionally the South-PACA Region coordinates and leads the practice.The program was originally carried by the French Agency for Ecological Transition – ADEME. It has been implemented in the regional climate plan and acts towards territorial action plans and support system in favour of energy renovation.
At the national level, the program has mobilized € 200 M for 5 years - € 180 M dedicated for the period of 2021-2024 in 16 regions and the € 20 M goes to ADEME to pilot the program.
The SARE service consist of easing the access to information for energy renovation by informing households and supporting them with a specialised service. Households request by phone call a counsellor certified by the National Agency of Housing to discuss their project. The support can be financial, legal,or technical.
Main stakeholders: ADEME, South PACA Region, Regional Directorate for Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL)
Main beneficiaries: Homeowners and building actors, but it should be extended to landlords in the renewal of the convention in 2023
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The budget in the South-PACA region for the period 2021-2023 is estimated at € 21,6 M - 50% by regional authorities and other institutions (regional council, the ERDF fund and the mobilized intercommunalities) and 50% with energy saving certificates.
Human resources are represented by the advisors.
Evidence of success
- An average of 8 to 10 calls are received by the advisors per day
- 24 543 households benefited for a support for energy renovation - 67,1% of the beneficiaries are on modest and low income
- The SARE program in the South-PACA region has reached 28% of the national objectives in terms of “first-level counselling” and 60% for the in-depth counselling
- The number of advisors has upgraded from 750 to 1005 in 2021 (in the South-PACA region, the number upgraded from 3 to 82 advisors)
Potential for learning or transfer
The practice can be applied in different territories willing to boost local measures and actors.
The work done under the SARE acts as an opportunity to boost renovation operations for individuals and small tertiary. The SARE service offers an opportunity to support renovation operations and dynamize local actors and engage all communities.
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