
SystemsLink energy management software at Durham County Council
Published on 28 September 2018

United Kingdom
Tees Valley and Durham
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About this good practice
Durham County Council has over 800 buildings including offices, leisure centres, libraries and depots. For each one it manages electricity, gas and water consumption, at a large annual cost. Each building is unique, with different opening hours and numbers of occupants, different age and condition, and very different functions.
The Council estimated that up to to 10% of total energy and water costs could be saved if this data could be managed well. However, the Council at this time was using a very complex and inflexible set of paper bills and Excel spread sheets to manage consumption data so it was not able to manage its consumption well. A great deal of staff time (6 full time staff) was taken up in managing utility bills and trying to identify waste, with limited success.
As a result, the decision was taken to invest in new energy management software called SystemsLink. The software can be used across multiple utilities accounts, and has an interactive webportal function, allowing individual site access, so that building users can see how much energy they are using and compare consumption for previous weeks, months or years and a wide range of reporting tools. Energy and water consumption data is collected half hourly for each site meaning that the data can be managed by identifying energy waste (such as boilers being left on out of hours and holidays), water leaks and bi
The Council estimated that up to to 10% of total energy and water costs could be saved if this data could be managed well. However, the Council at this time was using a very complex and inflexible set of paper bills and Excel spread sheets to manage consumption data so it was not able to manage its consumption well. A great deal of staff time (6 full time staff) was taken up in managing utility bills and trying to identify waste, with limited success.
As a result, the decision was taken to invest in new energy management software called SystemsLink. The software can be used across multiple utilities accounts, and has an interactive webportal function, allowing individual site access, so that building users can see how much energy they are using and compare consumption for previous weeks, months or years and a wide range of reporting tools. Energy and water consumption data is collected half hourly for each site meaning that the data can be managed by identifying energy waste (such as boilers being left on out of hours and holidays), water leaks and bi
Expert opinion
Measuring and recording energy usage is a vital step in the elaboration of an effective energy efficiency strategy. SystemsLink is a good example of an energy management system, collecting data from more than 800 buildings to highlight where savings are possible. An initially high investment costs can be off-putting for some local authorities, but the case needs to be made that in the long-run, cost, energy and effort savings can be achieved. Regional authorities should bear in mind that the data collected can be used not only for influencing behaviour change strategies, but also for influencing investment decisions regarding new low-carbon technologies and building renovations.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The initial cost of the system was £16945 + VAT, and there is a small annual ongoing fee for maintenance and updates. Less than 3 FTE members of staff are now employed to use the system, and much of their time can be spent on proactively following up data to save energy and money.
Evidence of success
The software has saved Durham County Council money and enabled it to meet its carbon reduction targets. More importantly, it has empowered users at all levels to manage energy and resources more efficiently, and to take action proactively to do so. Under the old system, staff time was spent on reactive work through checking bills. Now, staff both in the Energy team and in building management have data at their fingertips to use and act on promptly.
Potential for learning or transfer
Almost all public or private sector organisations consume energy and water in their buildings and can therefore benefit from using effective energy monitoring and targeting software. The software can be used to monitor energy and water consumption, to identify waste and over-spending and to set targets to reduce costs and carbon emissions. Systems that have been developed with understanding of the role of the energy officer are likely to be most beneficial. This means that the benefits of using energy management software such as SystemsLink has very broad transferability across countries and sectors.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Durham County Council

United Kingdom
Tees Valley and Durham
Low Carbon Funding and Projects Officer