Technical Instruction for Sustainability Criteria in use of paper Barcelona municipal administration
Published on 17 October 2019
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Creation of technical instruction in the administration that specifies types of paper, establishes purchase priority and defines environmental criteria. Applicable to contracts of the Barcelona city council. All contracting authorities are obliged to comply with this instruction. It includes some reduction policies:
Consolidation of electronic administration (paper reduction);
2014. Recycled paper, 74% percent, and increasing;
Monitoring system
This instruction applies to ffice paper for photocopiers, printers, fax machines and handwriting.
• Recycled paper: paper made exclusively (100%) with recycled fibers.
• Non-recycled paper: paper made from fibers mainly from wood
Buy 100% recycled paper.
Technical guarantee requirements of:
Durability: The contracting authority must fix a durability of more than 100 years, according to ISO 9706 standards, ISO 5630, UNE EN 57092/1/02, DIN 6738 or equivalent.
Optimization: warranty of provenance of sustainable forest exploitation.
Exclusion or limitation in the use of chemical substances in the paper production process defined in some type I ecological label, according to ISO 14024
Non-recycled paper must have been produced with a minimum of 50% fiber from sustainable forest operations (as defined in FSC, PEFC or equivalent standards
Consolidation of electronic administration (paper reduction);
2014. Recycled paper, 74% percent, and increasing;
Monitoring system
This instruction applies to ffice paper for photocopiers, printers, fax machines and handwriting.
• Recycled paper: paper made exclusively (100%) with recycled fibers.
• Non-recycled paper: paper made from fibers mainly from wood
Buy 100% recycled paper.
Technical guarantee requirements of:
Durability: The contracting authority must fix a durability of more than 100 years, according to ISO 9706 standards, ISO 5630, UNE EN 57092/1/02, DIN 6738 or equivalent.
Optimization: warranty of provenance of sustainable forest exploitation.
Exclusion or limitation in the use of chemical substances in the paper production process defined in some type I ecological label, according to ISO 14024
Non-recycled paper must have been produced with a minimum of 50% fiber from sustainable forest operations (as defined in FSC, PEFC or equivalent standards
Expert opinion
The good practice is an example of how environmental criteria for paper are being applied. Paper is one of the main purchase items of local and regional administrations. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the EC has also developed environmental criteria for paper and the stringency of these could be compared. At the same time, the Barcelona City Council is conscious that paper use reduction should be the main goal of the administration. The good practice could be of use to local and regional authorities who would like to explore a practical example of applying environmental criteria for paper.
Resources needed
Public resourdes in the town council for the publication of technical instructions to be adopted in order to define the environmental criteria in the purchase of paper for use in public administration
Evidence of success
This measure establishes responsible policies with social and environmental criteria, which provide for the publication of technical instructions to be adopted in order to define the environmental criteria in the purchase of paper for use in public administration. By 2014, more than 74% of paper used was recycled. Half of departments were over 80%.
Potential for learning or transfer
This practice is potentially of interest to all regions of the European Union.
the criteria for the choice of role and uses can be unified into a single European standard. Some coincidences with the copying and graphic paper criteria developed by the European Commission were found, as 100% recycled paper pruchase
The computerization of the public administration they make easier the progressive decrease in the use of paper and guarantees of provenance of sustainable forest exploitation.
This measure does not pose a difficulty of implementation because, thanks to the progressive computerization of the different administrative procedures within the public sector, the use of paper has been declining for quite a few years progressively thanks to new technologies and the computerization of public sector
the criteria for the choice of role and uses can be unified into a single European standard. Some coincidences with the copying and graphic paper criteria developed by the European Commission were found, as 100% recycled paper pruchase
The computerization of the public administration they make easier the progressive decrease in the use of paper and guarantees of provenance of sustainable forest exploitation.
This measure does not pose a difficulty of implementation because, thanks to the progressive computerization of the different administrative procedures within the public sector, the use of paper has been declining for quite a few years progressively thanks to new technologies and the computerization of public sector
Further information
Good practice owner
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Barcelona sustainable City council
Communication Manager