The de minimis aid scheme for the transition to the circular economy
About this good practice
The de minimis aid scheme for the transition to a circular economy was the national program for a circular economy. This scheme was financed by the Ministry of Economy. The aid scheme of minimum proposals was to support enterprises in order to stimulate the realization of investments and some categories of activities related to circular economy with financing from state budget funds.
The concept of circular economy is very broad and covers a number of related topics, in production and consumption, including resource efficiency, waste hierarchy, transition to renewable resources, both for materials and energy, covering the general objective of STOPWASTE - that of promoting the reuse, collection, recycling and other forms of valorisation of packaging waste.
The practice started on September 2022 and ended on December 2023 and the maximum amount granted was 200.000 Eur with a minimum of 15.000 Eur. The financed was 85% of the eligible expenses, beneficiaries provided a co-financing of 15% from their own sources
The main stakeholders of the scheme were micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, large enterprises, non-governmental organizations (ONG), trade unions and employers' organizations. An estimated number of beneficiaries of the scheme is around 60.
Resources needed
The maximum budget of the scheme is the equivalent in lei of the sum of 8 million EUR. The projects within the scheme are financed in percentage of 85% of the eligible expenses. Beneficiaries are obliged to provide a co-financing of 15% from their own sources.
Evidence of success
During its implementation in Romania, several projects were financed to increase the capacity for circular economy.
Around 60 beneficiaries are estimated to have been benefit within the de minimis aid scheme.
Potential for learning or transfer
Several financed activities within the de minimis aid scheme can be with potential for learning or transfer to other regions and countries such as :
Technological transfer for the prevention of waste generation;
The efficient use of resources, reuse, repair and recycling;
Modernizing testing laboratories for materials and products resulting from circular economy;
Establishing and/or equipping centers for repair and reconditioning of goods to reuse waste;
Creation of centers for the collection and valorization of wool, linen, hemp, textile products;
Recycling or reuse of industrial waste generated or products.
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